Search: 'walk'

what is behind the clouds

Going Beyond Clouds That Hide the View

I’m a cloudy kind of person. Something in my soul shuts out the light inside me like clouds that hide the view. But when the shadow passes suddenly it’s as if the glory of the sun explodes inside of me. Going beyond the clouds I find everything brilliant again and the view clear. Gloom is […]

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Are You Looking High Enough?

You know that wonderful feeling of having connected with someone of your same interests, passions or thinking? That feeling of he or she gets me? Psalm 139 is a great reminder of just how much God gets us.

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Little Boys, Escape Artists and Cunning Hearts 

We have an escape artist in our family. The kind that scales double safety gates across the stairway, the type who climbs out a crib in a sleep sack, through open windows and sneaks out locked doors. We have an escape artist who runs like the wind into the middle of the street, one stealthy […]

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When Mom Forgot Me

“Where do you live?” she asked. Wind whipped her white curls into a crown around her head against a blur of golden wheat fields as we sailed along the dirt road.  I glanced her way. She sat slightly hunched in the passenger seat. We’d been catching up while I drove. Two long years had passed. […]

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The Resurrection Isn’t Over 

Hey, not so fast. Although the Easter holiday is past, the resurrection is not.   “After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.” Acts 1:3 NIV Sometimes the best […]

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Resurrection Hope Moves the Stone Away

Things had begun to get dicey. Fame’s two sided coin’s darker side threatened. Not everyone was a fan of Jesus nor of those who claimed to be His followers.  Jesus laid out coming events, preparing them. His heart to heart talks revealed details of betrayal, scourging, and killing. He explained to His disciples what would […]

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Jesus Gets Personal With His Disciples

It’s the craziest thing when you see someone who looks like someone else from some place else in a place they shouldn’t be found.   When we moved to Italy across the ocean, across culture and language, the ghost of my USA neighbor seemed to be in the face of Franco. The imprint of my […]

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Do You Know How to Define Your Terms?

“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” –Bill Clinton. Every time my husband and I round a particular corner, political signs crop into our sight like spring tulips. The lawn in front of the red brick ranch house is so full of signs I can’t quite read them all before they […]

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What impact will my life have in the future

My husband has a carpenter’s chalk line. He rolls it out, squints down its straight line and lifts it slightly between thick fingers, then lets it snap. It leaves a distinct chalk line marking what he needs cut, not cut, lined up or whatever. The mark itself will eventually fade or be covered up, but […]

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Do You Want to Change Course?  

“…my feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped.” Ps. 73:2 (ESV)  I feel like a lot of us are walking into a log across our path, or maybe on quick sand.  The Psalmist Asaph writes like someone living today, with unrest and chaos, confusion and division. Everywhere we look there is something to […]

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