He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

“Are you being married?” our then four-year-old grandson asked. His whole body shoved forward to fit into a space in-between my husband and myself’s quick hug in the chaos of a kitchen swarming with grandkids. “Don’t be married!” he whined while he huffed and puffed and wiggled his short body against our legs and into […]

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grandson on large snowball. Kansas City Chiefs

February And Life Snowballs

It’s a snowball of sorts. Little things turn into bigger things, the list of to-do’s explode until there is simply no way to accomplish all of it, and a minor set back becomes a nearly impossible major reset. And a pain. This is life. It snowballs. Out the back of our house my husband and […]

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Who Wants the China?

We sat in the old farmhouse dining room, around the table where my mom had hosted generations of family. And we divvied up the old pictures, bits and pieces of written history, and trinkets of her life well lived.  Someday, my children will do the same. The china, the pictures, and the stuff which seems […]

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Baking Cookies

What Do You Do?

Somewhere in the middle of dodge ball tag and baking cookies with three grandsons, my youngest grandson cocked his head to the side and asked, “So Grandma, what do you two do here all day long?” And as I looked down at him, red-faced and panting, echoes of that question dittoed through my mind. I’ve […]

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Are You a Quitter?

When my daughter woke up on the day which changed all of our lives, it started pretty much like every other day. She felt a bit dizzy. She checked her temperature, but she didn’t have a fever. Yet, as the day wore on, a strange novocain numbness began its terrifying creep up her left side. […]

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A New Year, A New Self

We make promises. We plan, envision, re-calibrate, and define goals. We look ahead and behind. We hope, determine, and anticipate. We look forward to a white page, a whole year ahead, without smudges. Not a single broken resolve. Yet. Years ago, my husband, myself, and our three little girls stood together with about fifty others, […]

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Open Hearts Find Room For Jesus

The slammed door echoed into the hallway and shocked the kitchen.  Probably every teenager has managed a few. Ours did. And, although door slams were outlawed, the ugly secret was that I wished desperately to go into my own bedroom and slam its door with the same adolescent drama. I let out a sigh, and […]

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Of His Kingdom There Will Be No End

How many times have you said, “there’s just no end to this?” Paperwork, bills, middle of the night feedings, late at night work shifts, or maybe it’s simply the dirty pile of dishes in the sink. Predictably, the words reflect too much of one thing and not enough of another, meshed with a pinch of […]

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A Baby Brings Hope And A Future

Mornings have always been a process for me, like pulling me out of a deep well where my feet are sucked by muddy weights of dreams. Greeting each new day takes time and a dose of courage often fortified by coffee. This morning through thick waking-up-soupiness, I reached for my phone and on its screen, […]

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God is Good Regardless

“Oh Mom. God would be good if there was cancer,” she replied, sitting against the metal slatted headboard of the hospital bed. Her voice held that daughter to mother tone of reproof, and I pulled back from my embrace to find her, rather than exuberant, completely sober and in earnest. It took an entire week […]

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