Month: September 2020

Make Sure You Accent the Right Thing

It was a tiny village, not much more than an intersection with a few stores. When we moved into the area, the only American family in Magazzino, Italy, we gained immediate notoriety. I could feel the tension rising every time I stepped into its little corner grocery store. The husband and wife who owned the […]

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What to Do When Life is Miserable

“What to do when life is miserable,” I suppose there are those of you out there that don’t know what I’m talking about. You’ve never had a miserable day in your life. I will not tell you how I feel about you. But to the others, the normal among us, sometimes life can be downright […]

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Cutting Your Husband’s Food and Other Friendly Tasks

So, I cut his roast chicken. Into little square edibles. When I looked up, he wore a puzzled expression, a little worried but seriously amused. I drew my eyes back down to where mangled bits of poultry lay in a pile on my husband’s plate. “Hmmm,” he commented. “Maybe you need a day off.”… Read […]

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Reacting to Authority

A finge of black lashes, thick and long shadow his blue eyes. They only partially hide his hurt and uncertainty. They tug at my heart like a messy knotted umbilical cord. “…For the Lord…” Did I do right to correct him? Was he wounded too deeply, was I too harsh? Did my words match the […]

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Kept at Home Faith is Easy to Hide

Her name was Candy. I couldn’t describe her if I had to. I never knew the color of her hair, the width of her smile or touch of her hand. Because she didn’t exist. Yet, every meal time for months, she sat at our table, while my three-year-old conversed with her.  So convincing was our […]

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