How Harvest Time Points to God’s Impeccable Timing

The blue-overall-clad farmer plucked a bearded head from its white stalk. His form blotted a black silhouette against the bright sky. I squinted in the sunshine. A shadow lay across me, its black outline with the billed cap looked like a crow atop his head.  Hands browned like leather, spotted with age, rolled the wheat […]

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What’s in Your Suitcase? – Three Treasures to Pack and Three Attitudes to Leave Behind

Do you go on vacation with more than just what’s in your suitcase? This week you’ll find me at Today it’s my privilege to be Jeannie’s guest blogger. My post, What’s in Your Suitcase? Three Treasures to Pack and Three Attitudes to Leave Behind, may help you decide what is really worth packing. I […]

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Who Knew When We Said “I do?”

My father-in-law used to shake his head and say with a bemused look on his face, “Who knew that someday…,” then he’d finish the sentence with something particular from that season of life. Honestly, it kind of irritated me. Like, what did you expect?  Did you think you would always be 25?  Or, didn’t you […]

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Is God Unjust?

This year as Father’s Day approaches I am so aware of the attack on the family, on the role of Fathers, and disengagement and disrespect placed on family in society.  It’s complicated by personal stories within family units which may portray completely different experiences. Adult siblings from the same family may grow up with such […]

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hand holding a scorpion

What Will You Find In the Darkest Tightest Folds of Your Soul? 

When my husband and I travelled to visit-and hopefully encourage-global workers around the world, I confess, some countries got more prayer than others. The prayers usually had to do more with the creatures than the people. Some of those countries came with how-to instructions.  “Always shake out your clothes before you put them on.” “Make […]

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Defining Peace When We Have None

If you have been disturbed by current events, you aren’t alone.  We’ve had weeks of images difficult to forget. Wouldn’t it be so nice to turn on the TV and find the world at peace, evil conquered, calm and safety reigning? Don’t we all wish to erase forever the heartbreak of endless sorrow? Together we […]

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women gathered around a friend to pray for her

To Share or Not to Share 

Have you ever wondered what to share, how to share or even if you should share something? I have.   We see this paradox in Asaph. He authored Psalm 73 with a conflicted heart. He admits to being in a slippery spot in his faith. What he saw in the lives of others made him […]

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Baby Blue Birds in their dark nest

Are You Afraid of the Dark? 

Ah, Spring. You’ve been a long time coming.  The day was perfect as I walked the neighborhood. The depth of the sky’s blue called me. Azaleas bloomed in vibrant bush bouquets. Every bird’s choral rendition opened to their unique song page. Bright shades of green burst all around.  I walked and prayed, my senses overwhelmed. […]

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rhododendron flowering bud

How Good Do You Think God Really Is? 

Between believers, a high-five of “God is good,” covers a lot of ground. It is inspired by a happy outcome, good grade at school or maybe a really good deal on a new pair of shoes. How content I am with a certain situation might reveal  how good I think God really is.  “God is […]

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mother holding child in lap

Growing Up To Be Mom

Little hands on mighty hips, my seven-year-old face-offed with her teacher. The innocent question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” torched the classroom. It seems out of the entire class only my daughter thought the response, “I want to be a Mom,” worth defending.  Like a ninja warrior.  I’m afraid the […]

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