Precious Scars Invite Faith

Two favorite features on my nose are little grooves that criss cross the surface. They are barely distinguishable, but I’m proud of them. Both remind me of people I love.

One reminds me of a brother’s love and care after a screen door mishap. Since I can’t even remember it, he has always felt much worse for it than I have. 

Our senior play with my friend Jane.

The other is from one of my closest friends. On High School Senior play night, in our acting roles, she was supposed to throw a pitcher of water on me. It got out of hand, literally, and she hauled the entire metal jug at me. In my memories of her, I still remember the unscripted shock on both our faces. My nose convincingly bled on stage, and it became one of friendship’s favorite stories. 

Those scars are precious reminders of precious people. 


Precious scars

Eight days after Jesus’ resurrection, Thomas still had not witnessed the Savior. The other ten disciples had seen Him.  

Jesus talked to them. He showed them His hands and His feet, where nails had torn through His flesh, crucifying Him to a cross. But Thomas wasn’t there, so He refused to believe them. 

“Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails,” Thomas declared, “and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.” John 20:25 ESV

After his reaction to the disciples’ pronouncement of Jesus’ resurrection, “I will never believe…unless,” I wonder how Thomas felt as the days passed and several others confirmed having seen Him. Some of Jesus’ women followers had seen Him, the two men on the Emmaus Road had been with Him, Peter saw Him, yet, for Thomas the days passed. Jesus didn’t show Himself to Thomas.  

Then eight days later, still fearful of the Jews the eleven disciples, locked their doors for safety. And like Jesus’ first appearance to the ten, He suddenly stood inside the room. 

“Peace be with you,” He said again.  

I can picture Jesus holding out His hands, his robe falling away to see the nail scars, inviting Thomas to put his finger into them, to touch His precious scars. 

“Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.’ Thomas answered him, ‘My Lord and my God!’” John 20:27-28 ESV

I can’t help wondering if in a holy hush of the room, the other disciples also came for a tentative caress of the seared flesh of their Master.  

Those scars identified Him. They told of love and redemption. Of sacrifice and grace. Scars proved not just that He was indeed Jesus risen from the dead, but so much more. They dispelled doubt. I can’t help wondering if in a holy hush of the room, the other disciples also came for a tentative caress of the seared flesh of their Master. Share on X

Jesus kept those nail and spear scars. His resurrected body didn’t erase the evidence of past pain and suffering. Precious scars confirmed what He had gone through for you, me and Thomas too. 

All of us wear scars. Probably like you, I have scars which still feel tender that I don’t readily display. Unkind words, unfair acts, hurts, injuries, and grief. At times they tighten my stomach and fill my heart with sadness.

The scars I wear

The scars we wear, have purpose. They return us again and again to Jesus. To relinquish and heal. To remember and pause. To reveal Himself to us personally and intimately. They call us to recognize Who He is and what He has done for us. Scars touched by the Master represent His triumph in our lives, the resurrection of new life through Jesus.

Jesus’ precious scars had a message. “Believe,” they bid Thomas. “Believe,” our precious scars beckon to us. 

Not all scars are as slight as the two tiny trails across my nose. Sometimes they are deep, ugly and distracting. Many seem anything but precious. Yet, Jesus wants to redeem them, form, and shape them for purposes more precious than what we see. He wants to provide wholeness where brokenness thrives. 

Christ openly revealed scars of pain and death to confirm resurrected life. Like Thomas, we may feel it impossible that such deep scarring could ever produce anything good. We may react with unbelief, “Unless I see…I will never believe.” He wants to provide wholeness where brokenness thrives. Share on X

But, in the panorama of God’s hand on our lives, scars invite faith. May we bow, before our victorious risen Savior, with every scar, and declare like Thomas, “My Lord and my God!”


14 Replies

  1. J.D. Wininger Reply

    I promise I’m not stealing your idea next week, I’ve got drafts to prove it my friend. LOL Isn’t it wonderful when God validates His voice through others? Thank you for providing that validation today. I think about the scars I carry today and I realize, they are the “roadmap of my life.” God’s blessings Ms. Sylvia and thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight with us today.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Ha! I know what you mean. So often I write something and it seems someone else is on the same track. I look forward to reading your thoughts J.D. They are always worth the read! Thanks for your ministry through your writing.

  2. Nancy E. Head Reply

    “When we go before Him, God will ask, “Where are your wounds?” And we will say, “I have no wounds.” And God will ask, “Was there nothing worth fighting for?”

    I love that quote by Allan Boesaic. As you point out, not all scars come from fighting for a cause. Even so, all scars have a purpose.

    I love this post, Sylvia. Thanks and God bless!

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thank you so much Nancy! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I love that quote by Allan Boesaic, thanks for sharing it. It is marvelous!

  3. John Certalic Reply

    Another great post, Sylvia. I so agree with your comment that scars have their purpose in returning us to Jesus. I have a small scar on my right index finger from when I played little league baseball. I got it while playing catcher and a kid from the other team slid into home plate and gouged my finger. The scar reminds me of how Jesus saved me from my childhood and how good he has been to me ever since.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thanks so much John. What a precious scar! Always good to hear from you!

  4. Jeannie Waters Reply

    Sylvia, what an insightful post to help us value everything that happens, including hurtful scar-producing incidents, in light of God’s view. He makes all things new and uses them for His purpose.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Jeannie, thank you for pointing that out. He does make all things new and that is a wonderful hope isn’t it! As always, I do appreciate your comment.

  5. Katherine Pasour Reply

    Some scars are visible and some are hidden from everyone except us and God. But these experiences are part of who we are and I picture our loving Savior tenderly touching those scars when we join Him in heaven. Like you, I pray we always think of the words Thomas exclaimed, “My Lord and my God” when we think of the gift of salvation our Savior granted us by His death. Thank you for your beautiful and inspiring message.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thanks Katherine. I love your thought about Jesus touching our scars. What a beautiful picture and what a sweet hope.

  6. Tammy Kennington Reply

    I shared about Thomas in this week’s post, as well. Oh, how I love your perspective! Jesus brokenness made us whole and our scars often give us an unexpected testimony to His goodness. Beautiful!


  7. Sylvia schroeder Reply

    Thank you Tammy. I just read your post. Thomas’ doubts have stirred hope through many generations! Loved your thoughts on hope in your post. Thanks for commenting!

  8. Cathy Chung Reply

    I’ve been looking at resurrection appearances by Jesus recently too. I hadn’t focused on Thomas yet, but you helped me step into his shoes. Jesus took a long time to appear to Thomas. Why so long? How did Thomas feel? Dejected? Left out? Did his doubt or belief change in the waiting? Very thought provoking.

  9. Sylvia schroeder Reply

    Thanks Cathy! I love the details we are given in Scripture and then other things we aren’t told that make us curious. You’re questions are great ones to think about. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
