How to be Ready Before it Takes Place

Sometimes I just want to see to the other side before I get there. I confess to reading the last page of a book to calm my nerves in the middle, or wanting to know the end of a movie before I watch it. I would like to know tomorrow’s outcome for what I am going through today.

“I am telling you this now, before it takes place, that when it does take place you may believe that I am He.” John 13:19 (ESV)

We are in the weirdest time. But we aren’t left without direction. How can we know what to expect? How will we know how to act, to respond, to live? What will the result of these days be?

Jesus avoided certain crowds, certain places because “His time had not yet come.

Jesus’ death loomed before Him, troubling Him yet bringing determined resolution as He set His face toward Jerusalem. The scene shifted and Jesus knew His time had come. He moved toward the cross.

Jesus’ last supper with his beloved disciples was something He’d looked forward to, yearned for. He approached the dinner knowing Judas’ heart had already been invaded by the devil himself. The other disciples had not singled out Judas, had not picked up on an attitude, resentment from the Master or underlying dislike.

Jesus unwrapped his outer garment and laid it down, put a towel around his waist then knelt down and washed the feet of his disciples. One by one.

“Never.” Peter declared, when Jesus came to him, “You shall never wash my feet.”

“If I do not wash you, you have no share with me.”

“Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head.”

Jesus surveyed perhaps with sorrow, most certainly with deep love, his flock of twelve at the table. For, “he loved them to the end.”

He loved them all. No exceptions. All twelve. Three years He’d walked, talked and loved them yet from the beginning He knew which one would betray Him.   

“Not all of you are clean,” he said.

“Wash one another’s feet.”

And Jesus washed Judas’ feet.

“I am telling you this now, before it takes place, that when it does take place you may believe that I am He.” John 13:19 (ESV)

Time. The Father created it, holds it and moves it toward His purposes.

God has given us what we need. He has provided us with strength and armor. There is nothing ahead for which He has not prepared us previously in His Word, by His life and certainly by His death.

We must with the attitude of Christ wash the feet even of Judas when we are called to do so.

Chaos outside comes from chaos inside. Scripture draws distinct lines of right and wrong, not affirming or excusing sin, yet without cancelling our mandate to love humbly as Jesus did.

I don’t know what will happen. None of us do, but I get this. God created time. He holds it. He moves it toward His purposes.

No matter the chaos outside my own walls, I prepare inside my own heart. Now is the time to fortify with the Word of God in order to be ready before it, whatever that may be, takes place.  I must take God’s instruction, digest it, and be nourished by it. This is how to stand fast. This is how to continue in belief along the journey, no matter what lies ahead.

The world is desperately craving a cause for which to live. As much as we’d like to fast forward to the end of this chapter, to see 2020 in the rearview mirror, we can’t. I don’t know what believers will face. But I know our hope in Christ is worth dying for.

Because “I am telling you this now, before it takes place, that when it does take place you may believe that I am He.”



*Photo by Matthew Wheeler on Unsplash

18 Replies

  1. RJ Thesman Reply

    Such a beautiful visual – Jesus washing the feet of Judas.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      RJ, Thanks. The Scripture spoke to my heart as I read it, and I’m grateful it spoke to others as well. Your comments are always appreciated!

  2. Jane Oswald Reply

    Thanks Sylvia!!!❤️

  3. Maria Martens Reply

    I love this visual, and such a good reminder of how completely Jesus loves me, “washing Judas’s feet” oh that I would see through the eyes of Jesus while I serve his people!

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Amen sister. Thanks for reading and I appreciate your comment as always!

  4. J.D. Wininger Reply

    Always thought-provoking words ma’am. We certainly cannot know what tomorrow might bring, but we know what our future holds. Whatever comes, we must stand firm in our faith and earn the crown my friend. I pray I’ll have the faith and courage to be standing right beside you and many of our friends on that day ma’am.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      We are in strange days, but then there have always been difficult days in history. Yes, we know our future in Christ. I am grateful for the body of Christ and that we can stand together firm in faith. Thanks J.D.

  5. Jeanne Doyon Reply

    Thanks for the clear explanation of His word. He sees what we cannot.

  6. Monty Hobbs Reply

    God is the holder of time. When we get anxious, we are trying to wrestle ownership of time away from Him, a match we will never win. Enjoy the now, with the peace that only he can give.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      I love that thought Monty. I’ve never thought of it quite like that, “When we get anxious, we are trying to wrestle ownership of time away for Him…” Thank you.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thank you Barbara. Thanks for reading and I’m glad that thought resonated with you!

  7. Jeannie Waters Reply

    Thank you, Sylvia. I enjoyed your perspective. “We must with the attitude of Christ wash the feet even of Judas when we are called to do so.”

  8. Barb Fox Reply

    I’m with you – wanting to know what it’s going to look like a few months down the road. I want guarantees. But as you reminded us, it’s much better to know the One who holds the future in His hands.

  9. Eva F. Olfert Reply

    Yesterday I “turned” 89 1/2! I have a hard time wrapping my head around that but that’s where I am. I too struggle with the strangeness of our times but know that God will bring something good out of this mess. We need to be strong in the Scriptures and make sure we hold to a Biblical World View.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Yes, I so agree: “We need to be strong in the Scriptures and make sure we hold to a Biblical World View.” Thank you so much for reading and I always appreciate your input.
