“Ahh! Salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend. Please, please, come closer,” our tween-aged daughter motioned with her hand.
From the movie Aladdin, she knew every word, every gesture, every accent and intonation. Suddenly she shot out a stiff arm, her hand like a rigid stop sign.
“Too close! A leeettle too close.”
Children absorb movie lines like sponges. Our kids made us laugh as they seamlessly went from Kronk in the Emporer’s New Groove, to warthog Pumbaa in Lion King, and then on to Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story. How did that happen when school work seemed impossible to memorize?
I’ve been rehearsing in my memory a scene from the long ago animated Aladdin, one which my children loved to mimic. Standing on a flying carpet, Aladdin reached out, palm upward and invited the hesitant Princess to join him and see the world.
An outstretched hand. An invitation.
“Do you trust me?” Aladdin asked a skeptical Princess Jasmine.
Never taking her eyes off of him, she slowly stretched out her hand to his.
I know why the reel keeps repeating in my brain. It is because the question whispers inside my heart from a distinctly different source. One Who is completely worthy asks within my concerns, “Do you trust Me?”
How I answer that question reveals what is truly dwelling inside.
Friendly Advice
Recently I’ve been convicted of a need to lay down some worries I’d been grasping in a tight fist. In the repeating tug and release, a friend stepped in with some advice. I wavered a bit between wanting to just vent and wanting real help.
Two replies fought in reaction. “Too close! A little too close!” While the other whispered in my ear, “Do you trust Me?”
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (ESV)
“Philippians 4:8,” my friend said. “Memorize it.
Well, truth be told, I already know Philippians 4:8, and for a little arrogant moment, I kept the arm stiff. “Too close, a leeeetle too close,” I thought.
Nothing lacked in her advice, yet my first response held it and her at arm’s length. Whether or not I thought I needed it, she gave good counsel. Turns out I needed it.
I copied Philippians 4:8 on a card and carried it in my pocket all day. I put it in front of me on my desk. It sat on the window ledge when I washed dishes. I said it aloud as I walked. I memorized it…again… and filled my anxious thoughts with its truth.
I weighed what flooded my mind and emotions on a scale. Was it true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise?
Who Has God Used Recently in Your Life?
How often I am guilty of the “too close” stance when Jesus invites with a precious outstretched hand, reaching toward me through another. His faithful invitation asks for me to gaze at Him and no other. He waits for me to take a step forward and cling to Him alone.
Sometimes, God uses others to touch my heart His way.
It turned out, while I looked askew at my friend’s quick Bible fix, and for a moment let offense block my way, it didn’t hurt one bit to re-learn and re-absorb those intimate and precious words from God. It was exactly what I needed. Sometimes, God uses others to touch my heart His way. Share on X
I can listen with pride and refuse to look past ready advice, when underlying it another Voice whispers, “Trust Me.” Have you ever done that? Or I can choose to trust that God may speak to me through others and listen for what He has to say.
Scripture brought back steady ground underneath. With truth in my mind, my emotions anchor. I am grateful for this admonition from my friend that took me to a place where I could hear God’s words.
“Do you trust Me?” He asks. And the voice is tender and good. Faithful and true.
*Featured Photo by Beth Hope on Unsplash
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Nancy E. Head
Faithful and true. Thanks, Sylvia. God bless!
Sylvia Schroeder
Thank you Nancy! I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond!
J.D. Wininger
Oh, how we need friends who can take us to God’s Word Ms. Sylvia. Wise words ma’am. Thank you.
Sylvia Schroeder
Thanks J.D. Praise God for those friends.
Yvonne Morgan
Lovely reminder Sylvia. We do need to remember to keep all our speech pure and true.
Sylvia Schroeder
Thanks Yvonne. Purity with humility is a great combination but certainly a bit difficult to find that balance for me! Thanks for reading and commenting!
Annie Yorty
I’m so grateful our God is always trustworthy. Thanks, Sylvia!
Sylvia Schroeder
Thank you Annie. He never fails!
Jeannie Waters
May we all strive to be a friend like the one who counseled you, Sylvia. I don’t always ponder help like that as quickly as I should, but your post encouraged me to do so and to share–after prayer–with friends who need a gentle reminder of truth.
Sylvia Schroeder
Jeannie, I find I often respond more concerned by whether or not I will offend than what God is leading me to say. As a society offense feels like the worst possible thing to commit, but sometimes, offense brings repentance and growth. For my part, I need to make sure my heart is ready to receive God’s words even when I’m not loving what the other person is saying. God can use it to teach me. Thanks so much for commenting!
Barbara Latta
Thanks for sharing this new way to see this beautiful Scripure, Sylvia.
Sylvia Schroeder
Thank you Barbara! I appreciate you taking the time to read the post and comment!!
Katherine Pasour
I’ve been in your shoes, Sylvia, and understand the stiff arm and the “leetle too close” reaction. But as you’ve experienced, God is patient with our fears and persistent in His effort to continue to ask, “Do you trust me?” Thank you for your transparency. Thinking of you and praying.
Sylvia Schroeder
Thank you so much Katherine. I often remember you in prayer as well. God is patient as you said, and I have so much to learn. Thanks for weighing in.