Tagged: #whenthehouseisquiet.com

And School Begins Again

His big round eyes followed me. His little face filled with confusion, fear, and betrayal. I read his silent plea as if the words had been spoken, “Don’t leave me.” As I turned from the classroom, I remembered my son’s first baby vaccination, when those trusting eyes looked at me, startled, hurting, and as if […]

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Are You Thick Skinned but Thin Hearted?

“Gotta be thick-skinned to survive ministry,” advised a pastor to my young husband.  “I’d never have continued if I’d let every criticism get under my skin.” As a pastor’s wife and mother, I found criticism and church-goer barbs dug deep when slung my way. They seemed to hurt even more if they were hurled at […]

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Grandsons, Scooters, and Laying Down the Law

“Put me in jail, put me in jail,” our six year-old grandson shouted. “Put me in jail, Gramma,” The boy’s scooters whizzed by, daring me to move out of the way, challenging me to capture little law-breakers with their laughing taunts and haul them into garage jail. They were doing just great whizzing by until […]

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When God Seems Remote

I was my big brothers’ TV remote. I can still hear their call. Through the bleaching heat waves of Kansas, over the baked and cracked ground, their summons reached me. Underfoot brown farm grass crunched crispy-fried. An adoring mutt panted at my side, his long tongue hung red and wet. I loved being outside in […]

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Was It All A Waste?

It broke my heart and stole my resolve.  As a writer, rejects come. It’s kind of part of the whole deal, it happens and though difficult, it usually helps me grow. But this email rejection bit like dog’s teeth into the fabric of my being. It wouldn’t let me go.  I’d labored hours upon hours, […]

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We’ve Got Each Other

“Was it Ross?” “No that’s not right,” he shook his head. “Richard?” “Maybe we ought to take some of that stuff they advertise on T.V.,” my husband mused when both of us together couldn’t come up with the name which was “on the tip of our tongues.” “What stuff?” I asked. “Oh, you know those […]

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Everlasting Father

“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” NKJV   Dad loved Christmas. The season began with a big box of oranges and a bowl of mixed nuts and a nutcracker […]

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Who is My Wonderful Counselor?

“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 NKJV Oh the wonder of Christmas. It’s filled with anticipation, spirit, and traditions. I don’t tire of seeing Christmas lights, hearing […]

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How Do You See People?

I tilt my head a bit to look for myself in his stick figure drawing. I wonder is this truly how he sees me? He waits. “Is that me?” I ask.  Pen in hand, like Picasso, he nods. Proudly. Seriously.  I resist the “looks just like me,” response and go for the, “that’s so good!” […]

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Who Really Owns My Time?

“I don’t have time” is one of those ridiculous things we say pretty much all the time. As if time can be owned. As if we could take charge of it, I mean really, “who’s got the time?” Right?  Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and […]

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