Who Are Your Wise Guys?

Calling all wise guys. Only what if they aren’t?  

Remember that old advertisement, “let your fingers do the walking?” It promoted a thing once upon a time called the yellow pages, which was a companion piece to the telephone book, which sat beside a thing that dialed. 

I don’t know about yours, but my fingers still do a lot of walking in search of information. And sometimes a little too much walking. We can google it, youtube it, listen to podcasts or books all without moving from the chair we’re sitting on.   

We should be greatly concerned at the ratio of our overload of knowledge to our immersion in real wisdom.

We live in a world of keystroke answers. Experts of every kind abound at our fingertips. People describe it as information overload. But wisdom is not so easily found, nor has it ever been. We should be greatly concerned at the ratio of our overload of knowledge to our immersion in real wisdom Share on X

Where Do You Go For Your Answers?

How do you choose your experts?

What do you look for in a trusted source? 

On what do they base their answers?

Who Is a Wise Person?

King Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams troubled him. So, he called for his wise guys, magicians, enchanters, Chaldeans, and astrologers. 

Nebuchadnezzar wanted more than just an interpretation of his dreams. He wanted the experts also to tell what dreams he’d had. 

“No one can do that!” the wise guys answered. Who Is a Wise Person? Share on X

The king offered incentive. “I will have you cut into pieces and your houses turned into piles of rubble,” he said. (Daniel 2:5 NIV)

To give him some slack, he’d just had a bad night, but then kings aren’t known to be reasonable. Nor was he in a negotiating mood. 

Daniel, came to the rescue. He knew exactly where to go for answers. 

“Daniel answered the king and said, “No wise men, enchanters, magicians, or astrologers can show to the king the mystery that the king has asked, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries…” Daniel 2:27-28 ESV

The book of Daniel shows us when God isn’t even part of the equation, when God isn’t the first consultant, He isn’t honored as God.

Where Can We Find Wisdom?

It’s great to have the information at our finger tips to stop a leaking faucet, build a flower box, or be rid of those pesky fruit flies, but for deep problems of the soul, do we know where to go? Today with all our ready solutions, we sometimes defer to experts with tons of knowledge but without true wisdom. 

We need a foundation of wisdom. Wisdom is found in an All Wise God. Values, and judgements which frame mindset and actions require a deeper footing than opinion.  

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” (James 1:5 NIV)

As Jesus followers, we look to the Master and search what He says.

Daily life is an ongoing, infinity puzzle of what to do, how to think, and where to find answers. 

  • Should I change jobs?
  • Would public school or another solution for my children be better? 
  • Maybe we should move to another house?
  • Is this the right church for our family?
  • Is it a waste of money?

Little gods of Daniel’s day fermented their thoughts in vain and ignorant knowledge. Yet they were foolishly considered wise. 

If we are honest, we too have our own magicians, enchanters, Chaldeans, and astrologers, or whatever they may be called, that we consult first. Even before asking Him for wisdom. 

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” (Proverbs 9:10 ESV)

God wants us to search for wisdom through knowing Him. 

I find that it takes discipline to consult God’s Word first and not swerve around it. I have to intentionally pray for direction, seek wise counsel, and wait on Him concerning life’s little and big decisions. I must determine to listen to Him carefully as I consider what others have to say or think. Not once but ongoing.   

When I sidestep Him I show the same kind of arrogance and pride which paraded a bunch of ineffective foolish magicians, enchanters, Chaldeans, and astrologers before the world’s highest leaders. As if they knew what only God could know. 

God’s wisdom today is just as true, powerful, and available as in Daniel’s day. Although Kings as well as peons, may consult their wise guys with their ready, but fluid expert advice and opinions, we have an option. Next time your fingers reach to do the walking, let it be a reminder, there is “a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.”



*Feature Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

15 Replies

  1. JD Wininger Reply

    Amen. Wisdom comes in many forms. Worldly wisdom (e.g., how to repair something) comes from experienced folks who have applied their learning and can adapt it to a situation. Godly wisdom must come from godly people, which are those who know to regularly seek God’s wisdom. As I’ve said in the past, “Knowledge comes from learning the subject. Wisdom comes from the experience gained to know how to apply ones knowledge.” Loved this post my wise and kind friend.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thank you J.D. I’m grateful for the many godly men and women who have had a part in my life. And I am thankful for the wisdom that I gain from friends like you! Thanks again for the encouragement.

  2. Preston Derden Reply

    Great information on seeking God’s word/wisdom first. Solomon is a great example of wisdom and ignoring God’s instructions. Thank you for the valuable reminder of where to seek true wisdom.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thank you Preston. I love the Proverbs! Solomon’s wise words provide great instructions! Thank you for reading and commenting!

  3. Nancy Speizer Reply

    Just read The Child We Never Knew.
    He created a soul.
    I love that.
    We have friends in Romania and ones here in the area (prayers appreciated) that have had multiple
    losses I’m going to send this. I know it will bless their hearts.
    Thank you for all your care.
    🧡 Nancy

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thanks Nancy. I hope it will encourage others who have faced similar losses. As always, great to hear from you and thanks for reading and responding!!

  4. Javan Ochami Reply

    I needed to know more about the shunammite woman Abishag and I came in touch with your wise exploitation of the word. It forced me to look for more. Then I find another amazing revelation about the wisdom we seek first. I have Been reading that scripture but the kind of Revelation you gave was quite from the Holy spirit. The owl was a bit scary but the spirit in me said just read and in deed it has helped me alot and an eye opening. God bless you.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thank you so much Javan. I am always glad when people search God’s Word!

  5. Sherry Davidson Reply

    True wisdom is from God, but we tend to seek it from others. Even if they are Godly, we must stop resting on our laurels & delve into the Word. The scriptures are His word. Jesus is the Word. The effort of researching the scriptures & of spending time in His presence is the beginning of wisdom.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thank you so much for those words, Sherry. I really appreciate your on spot contribution. “Jesus is the Word. The effort of researching scripture and spending time in His presence is the beginning of wisdom.” Yes.

  6. Katherine Pasour Reply

    When I attempt to go my own way, side-stepping God’s wisdom as I plunge into something without seeking His guidance, disaster results. I’m thankful for our Father’s patience in giving me additional chances as he picks me up, dusts me off, and reminds me to seek Him. Thank you for this helpful message, Sylvia.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      I love your comment. I’m also grateful “he picks me up, dusts me off, and reminds me to seek Him!” Thank you Katherine.

  7. Sharon Reply

    Amen, a good challenge! Thank you.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thank you Sharon! I’m so glad you read it and found it a challenge. Thanks for responding, I do appreciate it so much!
