Cutting Your Husband’s Food and Other Friendly Tasks

So, I cut his roast chicken. Into little square edibles. When I looked up, he wore a puzzled expression, a little worried but seriously amused. I drew my eyes back down to where mangled bits of poultry lay in a pile on my husband’s plate. “Hmmm,” he commented. “Maybe you need a day off.” It’s […]

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Getting Out of the “Every-Day-is-Labor-Day” Cycle

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NKJV) Typically on the farm, Labor Day meant a day to labor, another of many laboring days. Sometimes a picnic was thrown in. Rest had to do with drop-into-bed-at-the-end-of-the-day heat exhaustion mixed with the kind of […]

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The Armor, Your Battle and His War

They come, a little bewildered, some heralding children yapping at their ankles and running in circles, some almost newlyweds with blank-slate futures while others brave it alone. Obedient to God’s tap on the shoulder, sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s grip of the heart and passionate about the message of Christ’s gospel, they are willing to […]

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My Mom, a Bar of Soap and Clean Talk

My parents weren’t really the “let the consequences teach her” kind of people. They were more the “let’s give her some consequences” types. But since I could always count on what my actions would get me, I had the ability to weigh whether or not what I had in mind was worth the pain. Those […]

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You Don’t Want to Tear Down That Wall

“First,” my husband said listening to my remodeling ideas, “I need to see if it’s a load bearing wall.”  My face fell like a house made of cards. In the back of my mind, from the day we purchased this house, I had envisioned our bedroom with a wall removed to double its size and […]

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What’s Hiding in the Window of your Soul?

Recently our family, kids, spouses and grandkids got together at an airbnb for  three days of togetherness. It took the form of lots of games, food, and hours of conversation. Kids ran through the house dripping wet, mothers counted them, and everyone ate too much.  A hubbub, enough to get my attention in spite of […]

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Without Apologies

I stood before my mini-version. Blonde hair curled at the shoulders, bright blue eyes sparkled, and a pleased smile lighted her face. Behind her on the wall splashed brilliant colors in what undoubtedly could hang as a Picasso in an art gallery, but instead it splashed all over my living room wall. She was that […]

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He Gave Himself Up for Another

Before the carpenter’s sawdust brushed off, before the wood glue dried, before the grout hardened, the guy I married had to learn a new skill, the pregnant husband trade. Married four short months when the baby test promised more than a case of the flu, we looked at one another in shock.  “How in the […]

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Clouds over the Lugurian Sea hide the mountains behind.

When Clouds Hide the View 

I’m a cloudy kind of person. Sometimes something in my soul shuts out the light and then the cloud passes and suddenly it’s as if the glory of the sun explodes inside of me and everything is brilliant again. Gloom is part of my life, shadowy and rainy. But so is brightness. The clouds at […]

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BC and AD of Charity

[I’m excited to have my daughter Charity as the guest contributor for today’s post.] I tend to separate my life into BC (before Charity’s illness)  and AD (After the Destruction) of Charity’s physical body. Those categories can also stand for Before Children and After Daughters.  You see, being involved in Early Childhood I had very […]

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