Is God Absent When He is Silent?

Our middle daughter was about the sneakiest two-year-old imaginable. Quiet, sweet and oh so cunning.  But the one sneak I never got used to was the tip-toe out of bed escape. Because she did it so quietly. So unexpectedly. So good.  I would round a corner and there she’d stand like a flat Heidi against […]

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Home Is A Lot More Than What Fits In A Truck

There’s a U-haul behind us. I will be home someday, and when I am, the U-haul’s not coming. We’ve been planning this move for a long time, still I feel like it snuck up on me. The details of up-nesting are upsetting, bordering pure torture and filled with absolute mayhem. “Where’s the permit? I put […]

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How to be Ready Before it Takes Place

Sometimes I just want to see to the other side before I get there. I confess to reading the last page of a book to calm my nerves in the middle, or wanting to know the end of a movie before I watch it. I would like to know tomorrow’s outcome for what I am […]

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Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

“Can’t we all just get along?” she asked. Watery pools gathered at the bottom of her eyes ready to splash over, waterfalls of reflected blue. Life as a thirteen-year-old had become invaded with tween girl spite and division. I hate confrontation. I despise division. It gives me a pit in my stomach. That’s not to […]

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Is There a Smile Hiding Under Your Mask?

Like puzzle pieces of an entire, we can only guess what’s behind the mask as we pass in a parking lot, at work, or in a store. But if eyes are indeed the window of the soul, we should be seeing some deep things even six feet apart. We should be connecting on another level, […]

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A Perfect Tree and Its Reminder to Be Thankful

This week when I was out walking, I saw a perfect tree. I paused to look up and appreciate the sway in the wind, its colors moving in and out of sunlight, its form and height. Under its outstretched arms I breathed a prayer of thanks. I thanked God for the tree in all its […]

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How to Have 2020 Vision in This Strange Time

Every morning I take a walk in the city and pass a spot where I can see a massive field of grain. As I top a hill it’s there. My entire vision fills with gold. Day by day whiter, riper, full of grain almost ready to be harvested. It takes me back to those sticky […]

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I Will Be a Father to You

She sat on my daughter’s bed, bent forward and fumbling with the gadget on her lap, a thin white line connected it to her ear. Even though I stood across the room, I could hear the music throb. Long black tresses shadowed her face like fingers hiding her eyes, concealing emotion. She yanked one of […]

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So You Want To Be Clean?

A round robin family letter, the kind meant to keep families connected in normal times when coronavirus has nothing to do with being apart pops up in our inbox several times a year. Cousins with blood thick enough to span miles and embrace in-laws, convene together in one compiled letter. Pages long, it’s like the […]

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Whatever Makes Them Happy Isn’t the Answer

“The things I do for my kids,” I thought with a half-eaten Big Mac in one gloved hand and piece of wilted lettuce in the other. “But this tops them all.” I stood on a stool leaning into a food court’s garbage bin. I wasn’t happy… Of course, we desperately want them to be happy. […]

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