Are Your Eyes on the Right Goal?  

Lined up side by side, ready to take off, my grandson’s restraining arm shoots out across his little brother’s stomach.  “Go!” Big brother shouts. They take off across our grass. It’s a dubious race, one that counts on a certain seven-year-old against a five-year-old sibling pecking order. The course, established by the elder begins and […]

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Finding Courage and Resolve When a Line In the Sand Demands It

If Humpty Dumpty and I sat down for a heart to heart, I think we’d find we have a lot in common. The first and most obvious is the state of our brokenness. The thing about the king’s horses and men unable to put us together again… yup. But I’m not so sure how Old […]

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When the Storm is On The Inside

“You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them.” (Psalm 89:9, ESV) There are storms and then there are STORMS.  The amount of inner turbulence bothered me over such a small incident. As a Christ follower, I chided myself, I shouldn’t be reacting as if swept under salty water and […]

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How Well Do You Know Me?

It’s a routine day at Grandpa and Grandma’s. A brightly colored skyscraper of towering Duplo blocks decorates the middle of the living room. Grandpa has taken time off from his Foot-a-eat-asourous duties, which explains the six cartoon-charactered socks and six empty shoes scattered about. A row of cars line an imaginary road transitioning the doorway […]

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It’s Back to School and God Is Still Faithful  

A bit of a ruckus in Aisle Four grabs my attention. Stacks of bright notebooks and bins of colored pens separate me from a young father trying desperately to check off the teacher’s list in his hand. A little girl circles about his knees.  Little fingers fly over items faster than he can stop them. […]

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When Life Doesn’t Turn Out Like I Think It Should

“Call me Mara,” Naomi said.  Tragedy chiseled her face and spilled from her lips. Pleasant, the meaning of her name no longer fit.  Mara suited her, for it meant “bitter.”    “I went out full and came back empty,” Naomi told them.  I know many Mara’s. Women and men whose lives turned out so very […]

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Come Aside To a Deserted Place 

The first August I lived in Italy, I had no idea what had hit the entire country. Still anemic in language and culture, I didn’t know what to make of the silent streets of Florence, usually full of people, suddenly deserted. My bread store with its big gray steel closure had a handwritten note on […]

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True or False: You Only Live Once

“You only live once,” she quipped.   Laughter followed that flippant remark. I turned away from the screen.  I’ve used those same words to justify indulgences from purchases, to a risk, and maybe most often, to eating that last piece of chocolate.   Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. This week, as I hear her […]

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How to Activate Triple A When You Need Help from God

Today I’m delighted to introduce you to Jeannie Waters. Besides being an accomplished writer, she is always ready to help and encourage me in my own writing journey. Jeannie is an award-winning devotional and article writer and blogger. The devotional she is writing will be published in 2023 by Bold Vision Books. A wife, mother, grandmother, […]

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Mother Reading to her four children.

Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog And Other Important Questions

“Would you rather be a bullfrog?” I ask my grandsons.  My finger dramatically lands on the big green bullfrog leaping across the left side of the page. The book with the same title, by Theo. LeSieg (better known as *Dr. Seuss,), lays open on my lap. I slide my finger to the right and I […]

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