Four Questions from the Christmas Story that Could Transform Your Christmas

Four different Biblical characters in the Christmas Story point to answers which might change the way you see Christmas.  1. “How can I be sure of this?” (Luke 1:18 ESV) Zechariah the priest’s question came not just from a logical curiosity we can easily relate to, but from underlying unbelief which we don’t wish to […]

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How Prepared Are You? 

Black Friday, get-all-you-can-day, comes directly after be-Thankful-for-what-you-have-Day. Ironically paradoxical isn’t it? After feeding on bounty and gratefulness we rise from our fattened seats ready to grab and conquer.  Christmas preparations begin in earnest. Preparedness defined by the Cambridge dictionary means, “ready to deal with a situation.”  Advent, the drum beat between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas […]

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Chosen Isn’t So Special if You Are a Turkey

My kids used to say I should write a how-to-hide-the-turkey-recipe book. We ate a lot of turkey when we lived in Italy. Affordable and easily available, I disguised wings, thighs and breast, every possible way. But turkey, as often as it showed up at our house, didn’t come whole.   My butcher lady got used […]

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Measure Your Heart of Thanksgiving

“We will be measuring your daughter for a wheel chair at 3:00 this afternoon,” the nurse told me with a cheerful smile on her face.  Befuddled images traced vellum pages on my mind.  A bridal shop. A pencil line on the kitchen door frame.  Stepping paces at a freezing high school track meet. I treasured […]

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Boys playing in a pile of leaves

Whatever State You are In Today

Whatever State You are In Today “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.”  Philippians 4:11 NKJV So what state did you wake up in? Red, blue, maybe a little purple?  Sometimes I wonder why the Apostle Paul had to go and be such […]

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Is The World Getting Better or Worse?

As a kid in grade school I often heard a debate about whether the world was getting better or not.  “Better,” my teachers said.  “Better,” my T.V. screen told me.  “Worse,” my parents said.  The question rankled mom and dad, who as part of an older generation had seen a certain decline in the morals […]

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Grateful for the Baby We Never Knew

“How do you feel?” My husband’s voice asked through the anesthesia. My hand moved heavily to the spot where a baby had grown.  “Empty,” I whispered. He scooped my tear before it hit the pillow and then wiped his own.  It was a hard loss the day the ultrasound recorded no heart beat, made worse […]

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Sometimes There’s Creep

It wasn’t unusual to hear our house creak, but the distinct soft footsteps on the staircase made my scalp tingle. I stood quietly inside my bedroom on the second floor, then creeped to the door and carefully put my hand to the knob. I held my breath and listened.  Was it just the house settling, […]

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What Are You Wearing Today? 

My husband wakes up every morning and makes a decision. “What class clothing is this day?” What he does during the day determines what he wears. When he used to go into an office, the decision was simple. First class clothes came out of the closet. Now the projects he’s planned for the day require […]

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Are We There Yet?  Finding Purpose in the Miles

“Are we there yet?” little voices once asked from the back seat.  Years slipped by, like miles passing underneath. Complaints changed, the questions grew more sophisticated, and the voices more mature. Yet, spoken or implied, my children measured distance by “are we almost there yet?”  Life’s value is often judged less by roads covered than […]

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