Is Jesus Our Mighty God?

     “For unto us a Child is born,
     Unto us a Son is given;
     And the government will be upon His shoulder.
     And His name will be called
     Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
     Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 NKJV

Red plastic totes with broken green lids fill my living room. Unlike the smooth bright ribbons of my imagination, Christmas decorations never untangle neatly. They spill over into nooks and crannies shrunken by downsizing. My cute collections look more like a garage sale eruption than a perfect magazine cover.  

I don’t have space for all of it. I need to say good-bye to a bit of Christmas clutter. 

But, how can I throw away the nostalgia of a daughter’s gifted nativity set, or a friend’s “just thinking of you” Christmas angel, and why, oh why, should I dump my sheep with the shedding wool from Aunt Anna? 

When the manager scene is in its traditional place, with shepherds, angel, sheep and camels, I will absorb it all with the quiet of a Christmas reflective spirit. My plaster angel sporting a clipped wing, homemade tree ornaments, and the glued-together star on my German wooden music box will all seem perfect.

It will be just right even in all its imperfections because I will sit in my littleness and contemplate One Greater. The wonder of an incomprehensible Ruler, who took on human flesh in the body of a newborn, will take center stage within my heart. 

Isaiah, centuries before prophesied of a Child, the Son of God. In chapter 9, verse 6, Isaiah called Him by distinct titles. The first, Wonderful-Counselor, declares One beyond human understanding, who rules with wisdom. Mighty God, El Gibbor, proclaims He is strong to carry out what He declares because He is God Himself. 

The Hebrew word Gibbor,” means strong, mighty, powerful. Elohim, El in shortened form, is a common name for God in the Old Testament. We are introduced to Elohim in the very first verse of the Bible. In the beginning God, Elohim, created the heavens and earth. He is the One True God, Creator and Sustainer, without beginning or end. 

This is Jesus. 

This Mighty God whom Isaiah promised, willingly wrapped Himself in vulnerable finite flesh. 

Can you imagine how a young virgin Mary must have felt when the angel Gabriel stood before her?    

Surreal words from Gabriel, were ones she knew well as ancient prophesies. They had passed down through generations, only this time, the words were directed at her as the mother of the Messiah. This Mighty God whom Isaiah promised, willingly wrapped Himself in vulnerable finite flesh. Share on X

He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end. Luke 1:32-33 NKJV

As surely as Mary’s life forever altered that day, God’s power continues to transform lives today through the birth of His Son Jesus Christ. He brought salvation. He dwells with us, giving strength, power, and wisdom in our daily lives. And, He welcomes us home to live with Him forever. 

How does Mighty God change who you are and how you live each day? What does the fact that He is a Mighty God mean for you today? God’s power continues to transform lives today through the birth of His Son Jesus Christ Share on X

Christmas clutter begins to sort when we fix our eyes on His character. We discard some of the distractions that rob our attention and consume our hearts. For the more our eyes feast on El Gibbor, Mighty God the greater we are awed by His sacrifice for us, and the more precious becomes our view into the manager.  

 Christmas tree lights, at least the ones that still work, sparkle into the dark of my restored living room. Mary and Joseph, with rough edges and flecked paint, now kneel in their rightful places of honor. A makeshift trough cradles a Baby-King. And the clipped-winged-angel hangs crooked, just the way I like it.


*feature photo by Sylvia Schroeder


Also, check this out!

I have the privilege to be included in the Christmas Refresh Bible Study Magazine. The subscription is free, and it contains encouraging, uplifting stories and articles. I know it will bless you!

You’ll find my story “All I Want For Christmas,” in the Refresh magazine. Select magazine-style or single-page versions at the links below.

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18 Replies

  1. Barbara Latta Reply

    I can relate, Sylvia to the Christmas clutter. I am thankful Jesus takes the clutter of our lives and creates beautiful things with it. I enjoyed your Refresh article.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thank you Barbara. It comes each year, and I sometimes feel I deal with all of it new each time. I’m also so very grateful for Jesus who can make the clutter of my heart beautiful.

  2. Don Pahl Reply

    Our Mighty God is great in both his character and his actions. “His hand is not shortened so that he cannot save” (Isa. 59:1) According to Isaiah’s next verse, it is our sin that keeps his strong hand from our lives, not his desire. Thank you, Sylvia, for the timely reminder of his great strength on our behalf!

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      These titles of the Messiah have surprised me as I’ve worked on them. I mean I thought I knew them, they are part of Handel’s Messiah which I know by heart, right? But I am pretty sure as a Pastor and teacher of the Word, you could teach me a lot more about them because the more I researched, the less I seemed to understand. God is so vast and amazing. What mercy that He should reach down and save us. Thanks so much Don.

      • Barb Fox Reply

        I take comfort in the precious value you give to looks like shabby old stuff to outsiders. Reminds me God gazes at me with loving eyes. He also made a public statement about me being precious by sending Jesus.

        • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

          I love this Barb! He gazes at me with loving eyes. What a beautiful thought. I also like your comment about the public statement His sending Jesus makes. Great thoughts! Thank you!

  3. Katherine Pasour Reply

    I’ve still not gotten all my decorations out of storage and in their traditional places for the season. Illness and a serious accident to one of my loved ones is causing delay. Your message brought peace to my troubled soul and tired body. Thank you, Sylvia.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Oh I’m so sorry about your loved one’s accident. I am humbled that the post ministered to you. We do have a Mighty God who knows each and every trial, and how grateful I am that He is with us through each valley. Thank you Katherine. I prayed for you today. May His peace carry you.

  4. Yvonne Morgan Reply

    I too have to be careful not to let the clutter of Christmas crowd out the true reason for the season. Thanks for reminding me of this important message Sylvia

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      I’d say we aren’t alone in this!! Thank you for reading and commenting!

  5. Jeannie Waters Reply

    Sylvia, your post reminded me of a 3-legged camel in our manger scene, the victim of a long-ago chew-happy puppy. Your post lifted our eyes from the tattered world around us to our God whose love is dazzling and perfect. Thank you.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      I’m pretty sure your camel would fit in nicely with our herd! I love that chew-happy puppy as well! Thanks so much Jeannie!

  6. Lois S. Reply

    Thanks for sharing (also the story about your daughters coming home for Christmas!) I can identify with the thought of “Christmas clutter.” We only put up maybe half of what we have each year.
    The picture of the nativity set is exactly the one I put up this year for the first time at the Villa. For the last 43 years it has gone up on the mantle over my parents’ fireplace, and before that it was up every year at our previous home. So many mixed feelings to arrange it precariously on one over-bed light fixture, a smaller size snow village on the other, as my mother’s carefully curated collection does not really fit. The camels are missing by now, and some of the wisemen–I had forgotten them till now. I suppose perhaps they broke and were discarded, or else they are stored somewhere else in the storage closet. Long ago there was a plastic wiseman on a camel, also, that didn’t match the set, but perhaps was replacing a standing camel broken long ago? Thanks for all the memories you prompted.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Lois, thanks so much for joining your thoughts to the post. I can picture you adding these touches of the past to give them a new home and make it special for your parents. It’s a loving and caring act. Thanks for sharing it!

  7. Cathy Chung Reply

    I totally relate as I’ve recently downsized myself. The tree is gone, the stuffed Christmas bear collection is gone. Giving up the memories is painful but my nativity display remains and reminds me of Mighty God. Thank you for reminding me of this name of God.

    • sylvia schroeder Reply

      Thank you Cathy! Downsizing has its negatives but its positives. I’m glad you’ve found the important memories last!

  8. Nancy Speizer Reply

    Syl, I love your clipped wing angel!! 🙂
