Who Really Has the Power to Fix It?

I know well my husband’s furrowed brow. I am well acquainted with the set of his jaw and the far away focus of his eyes. His spinning thoughts, the ones that talk louder inside him than spoken ones addressed to him, need hearing. They are the fix it concentrations of a man named Phil whose emblem embalmed on his chest is Super Daddy.

When the kids were little, daddy could fix everything.

“My trike wheel came off,” DADDY!

“Dad, my bike tire is flat.”

“Hey Dad, can you help me change the car tire?”

As they grew life’s fixing became more difficult, fractured things more painful. 

Responsibility lay heavier on them to figure out how to fix what broke. But, just say the word, and he was ready to help.

In Luke 7, we find a Roman officer living in Capernaum. Jewish citizens chafed under Roman domination year after year. Clashes between religion and politics shifted like moving soil under the feet of the Jewish nation. They were tired of being squashed under Roman rule, but the animosity ran both ways.

Somehow in an atmosphere of tension and distrust, the Roman centurion won the hearts of the people. When his servant became deathly ill, he sent the Jewish elders to petition Jesus for help. It was an odd chain.

“And when they came to Jesus, they pleaded with him earnestly, saying, ‘He is worthy to have you do this for him, for he loves our nation, and he is the one who built us our synagogue.’” Luke 7:4-5 (ESV)

The humility of the Roman commander of 100 men is marked. What most Romans despised, he loved. Where others disregarded Jewish customs and beliefs, he honored them.

Faith is born in unexpected places.

Jesus went with them to the centurion’s house. Before he got there, the centurion sent friends to stop Jesus with a message.

“Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you come under my roof. Therefore I did not presume to come to you.”

Saving faith comes at the crossroads of acknowledging complete need and recognizing its answer is in Jesus.

But say the word, and let my servant be healed. Luke 7:7 (ESV)

But say the word.

I wonder how the story might have gone if the Roman centurion had commanded Jesus to act in a certain way. The very fact that the centurion understood power brought him to recognize he had none. And in that posture he yielded all power to the only True Power.

Faith is born in unexpected places.

“For I too am a man set under authority, with soldiers under me: and I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes, and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” Luke 7:8, ESV.

Our country and the world has been shaken in the last months. We’ve lost the control we thought was ours. Lessons we’ve learned through the realities of a world crippled in a few short months evaporates easily. It is possible we begin to think we have the fix-it power ourselves.

My husband certainly can’t fix everything, but there are few things he won’t try given the opportunity.

“But say the word.”

Jesus did and the servant was healed in that instance.

Things might get hairy as we move ahead in uncertain times. We might be tempted to forget all over again who is in control, the real fixer of brokenness. May we remember Jesus commands, and may faith born in unexpected places grow.    


*Roman statue Photo by Juliet Furst on Unsplash

16 Replies

  1. J.D. Wininger Reply

    Wonderful post, as always, but I have to wonder my friend, “Is that Mr. Schroeder with his A-model Ford?” I could almost hear the wristpins rattling as it chugged along. 🙂

    Such an important reminder my friend. As much as we might like to, there are some things that it is just not in our power to fix. I hate where this nation seems to be headed, but I recognize it is on the path it has set for itself. The only control I have is over myself. I must rely on God to help me find the self-control I need to focus on what is mine to focus on, and that’s my relationship with God and being His ambassador in this life. God’s blessings ma’am.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      It is indeed Mr. Schroeder with his A-model Ford. He’d like nothing better than to take you for a spin. I appreciate your comment. Learning to rely on God for every need is a life long challenge! Thanks J.D.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thanks Linda I’m grateful He is in control. Thank you for reading and responding!

  2. Marcy Giesbrecht Reply

    The burden of my heart these days has been to be diligent in listening to Truth. Thank you for being a steadfast reliable source for Truth for me. Your words rise above the din and bring peace. Thanks my friend.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      How interesting. Phil has been doing a lot of study on truth, and so it is also much on our minds. I am so grateful we have the truth of His Word to guide and anchor, because it does feel like the world is in the middle of some really big waves. Appreciate your comment so much. May we hold on to the Source of truth tightly.

  3. andrew brucato Reply

    Your husband can fix ALMOST anything great reflection thanks

  4. Connie Wohlford Reply

    What a great way to remind us that Jesus can fix anything. We sure need that assurance during these days when so much is beyond our control.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      I really need the reminder these difficult days. Thanks for reading and commenting Connie. I appreciate it!

  5. Monty Hobbs Reply

    A stark reminder of how little power we have when we compare it to our Lord. The Centurion understood this. If only more Christians really understood this instead of paying lip service.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Yes. If only I learned all from this passage!! Thanks so much Monty for reading and commenting!

  6. Erin Casey Reply

    Too many times, I try to fix my life, problems, and hurts on my own. This posts makes me consider . . . What if prayer was the first action instead of the last resort?

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Erin, what a great question and consideration. I wonder how often I don’t even really consider praying first. May my eyes be open to those opportunities. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

  7. K.A. Wypych Reply

    Reading this sentence: “Where others disregarded Jewish customs and beliefs, he honored them” gave me pause. He honored the Jewish people and God through them. What a lesson to all of us to honor those in our midst.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thanks K.A.! I’m thankful for you comment. The same attitude impressed me as well! Showing appreciation and care goes a long way!
