Tagged: #truth

What Are you Steeping In?

My British friend with her lovely accent once said to me, “Americans have been putting tea into the water since the Boston Tea party, and from then on they’ve kept right on doing it the wrong way.” Her sassy remark has helped me remember a tea-technicality ever since. And on more than one occasion, it […]

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The Best Kind Of Love

His little fingers dripped with orange greasy pizza oil and stuck together with chocolate fudge-vanilla. I checked his face and found it wreathed with those same streaks of orange and black.  Quickly I stretched across the table, searching for a napkin to wipe his mess before it migrated to my jacket. But before I found […]

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How Balanced Are You?

Balance. It’s a thing.  She toddles toward me, hands outstretched. My eyes are wide, excited and inviting, “Come on,” I urge with a half whisper. A foot lifts, and then another. A wobbly sort of drunken-sailor-tilt, propels her miniature body. A little too far to one side and then the other, she comes closer. And […]

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Who Are Your Wise Guys?

Calling all wise guys. Only what if they aren’t?   Remember that old advertisement, “let your fingers do the walking?” It promoted a thing once upon a time called the yellow pages, which was a companion piece to the telephone book, which sat beside a thing that dialed.  I don’t know about yours, but my […]

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 Does God Hear Me? 

My blender is revving up with its loud whir when the door bangs open and my grandson runs in from outdoors.  He puts on the brakes barely past the threshold, stops, and covers his ears. I see terror in his big blue eyes and quickly turn to find the little button to stop the loud […]

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Sometimes There’s Creep

It wasn’t unusual to hear our house creak, but the distinct soft footsteps on the staircase made my scalp tingle. I stood quietly inside my bedroom on the second floor, then creeped to the door and carefully put my hand to the knob. I held my breath and listened.  Was it just the house settling, […]

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6 Days to Christmas: Truth

There is a whole lot of happenings that go before the birth of a baby. My soon-to-be-born grandson’s nursery took shape with a coat of paint, a baby bed, changing table, and rocking chair. His drawers were full of soft clothes, diapers, and ointments. It was a room needing a baby. Before Jesus’ death, He […]

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