Tagged: #Transformation

Do You Greet or Meet With Jesus?

Our church has started a meet and greet time during the service as many churches do. It is one of those things which make introverts run for the bathroom. Although it is a good practice for the body of the church, it’s a little uncomfortable for people-avoiders in attendance.    Announced last Sunday, it came […]

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Old Backgrounds, New Creation, and A Happy Father’s Day

What is a “new creation?” Am I one? Are you?  “…if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV). Who Gets What? Backgrounds. Everyone has them. They are the backdrop of our todays, the backstory of our narrative. Some people […]

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Is It Too Difficult For God?

“I am so ready for an angel to come,” Phil said that morning. I’d been thinking the same.  I got up from my cot next to our daughter’s bed and joined my husband where he stood at her side. It was a ritual, a new sort of rotten routine that had just a pinch of […]

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Is The World Getting Better or Worse?

As a kid in grade school I often heard a debate about whether the world was getting better or not.  “Better,” my teachers said.  “Better,” my T.V. screen told me.  “Worse,” my parents said.  The question rankled mom and dad, who as part of an older generation had seen a certain decline in the morals […]

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