Tagged: #Time

2024 is Ready, Are You?

A much younger me studied the face that stared back from the mirror.   Outside of the bathroom, where I’d taken refuge, a squalling hurricane had erupted. My toddler daughter banged her fist on the door and screamed in an epic meltdown. And with a deep breath, I looked into my own troubled eyes.  “Who […]

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Who Really Owns My Time?

“I don’t have time” is one of those ridiculous things we say pretty much all the time. As if time can be owned. As if we could take charge of it, I mean really, “who’s got the time?” Right?  Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and […]

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How Harvest Time Points to God’s Impeccable Timing

The blue-overall-clad farmer plucked a bearded head from its white stalk. His form blotted a black silhouette against the bright sky. I squinted in the sunshine. A shadow lay across me, its black outline with the billed cap looked like a crow atop his head.  Hands browned like leather, spotted with age, rolled the wheat […]

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