Tagged: #TheCross

Do People See Who You Really Are?

“Is that your son?” I asked pointing to the little guy who had just scored on my grandson’s soccer team.  Strangers to one another, we’d been standing side by side echoing with the same groans, cheers, and sideline advice. Although we didn’t know one another, it was obvious that we rooted for the same team. […]

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How Balanced Are You?

Balance. It’s a thing.  She toddles toward me, hands outstretched. My eyes are wide, excited and inviting, “Come on,” I urge with a half whisper. A foot lifts, and then another. A wobbly sort of drunken-sailor-tilt, propels her miniature body. A little too far to one side and then the other, she comes closer. And […]

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Are Your Eyes on the Right Goal?  

Lined up side by side, ready to take off, my grandson’s restraining arm shoots out across his little brother’s stomach.  “Go!” Big brother shouts. They take off across our grass. It’s a dubious race, one that counts on a certain seven-year-old against a five-year-old sibling pecking order. The course, established by the elder begins and […]

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