Tagged: #PaulApostle

Boy dressed in baseball uniform

Be Imitators of Me

Three of my grandsons love baseball. And that is an understatement. Growing up they lived it. They chewed wads of gum, memorized plays, and spit. Yes, those little guys could spit with the best of them. Although today they are past the little boy stage, I still have frozen in my memory pictures of their […]

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Ode to the Nine Foot Tomato Plant

Oh tomato plant that towers many feet above my head. Where is your fruit? I grew up on a farm in Kansas, and at the risk of embarrassing all my Kansas friends and relatives who put into canning jars what they can’t eat or give away, I couldn’t grow a bean or kernel of corn […]

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Grandma and Grandson measuring height.

How Mature Are You?

“Who do you want to be when you grow up?” I used to ask our kids. I liked to hear all the ideas. Their aspirations swung wildly. Everything had its season, from astronaut on Mars, to archeologist digging up dinosaurs.   Who do you want to be when you grow up? Oh, so you think […]

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Is The World Getting Better or Worse?

As a kid in grade school I often heard a debate about whether the world was getting better or not.  “Better,” my teachers said.  “Better,” my T.V. screen told me.  “Worse,” my parents said.  The question rankled mom and dad, who as part of an older generation had seen a certain decline in the morals […]

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