Tagged: #Love

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

“Are you being married?” our then four-year-old grandson asked. His whole body shoved forward to fit into a space in-between my husband and myself’s quick hug in the chaos of a kitchen swarming with grandkids. “Don’t be married!” he whined while he huffed and puffed and wiggled his short body against our legs and into […]

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The Best Kind Of Love

His little fingers dripped with orange greasy pizza oil and stuck together with chocolate fudge-vanilla. I checked his face and found it wreathed with those same streaks of orange and black.  Quickly I stretched across the table, searching for a napkin to wipe his mess before it migrated to my jacket. But before I found […]

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What Offends God?

I don’t often sit around begrudging my past. Shoot, it’s difficult to remember what happened yesterday, but I admit, there are some offenses that are more difficult to forget than others.  Not offending others has become a national preoccupation.  We are vigilant about what we say, how we say it, and whether or not someone […]

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Precious Scars Invite Faith

Two favorite features on my nose are little grooves that criss cross the surface. They are barely distinguishable, but I’m proud of them. Both remind me of people I love. One reminds me of a brother’s love and care after a screen door mishap. Since I can’t even remember it, he has always felt much […]

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The Tipping Point

Life holds a succession of pivotal moments. They distinguish themselves with phrases like, “from now on,” “if I had it to do all over again, “never again,” or “I’ve made my decision.” But there are sacred tipping points too. I love to hear salvation stories, those unique testimonies of how Jesus found and chose, how […]

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Are Your Eyes on the Right Goal?  

Lined up side by side, ready to take off, my grandson’s restraining arm shoots out across his little brother’s stomach.  “Go!” Big brother shouts. They take off across our grass. It’s a dubious race, one that counts on a certain seven-year-old against a five-year-old sibling pecking order. The course, established by the elder begins and […]

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