Tagged: #KingDavid

Husband kissing wife in wheelchair while daughter plays

We Laugh and We Cry

The words stop me when I come across them, … “the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people…” They make me pause and close my eyes. I relate so well to such a paradox of emotions. I understand joy dwelling with heartbreak […]

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Safely Shadowed Under His Wings

A shadow, long and wide, interrupted the sunshine for just a moment and then glided over the bright green foliage. My grandson and I squinted into the blue above us. We saw the outstretched wings of a big black hawk as it soared above the trees. It’s shadow slithered over us. For just a moment […]

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dark dirty cave

What Do You See?

Our refrigerator died. Second fridge demise in six months.  The next week my computer met its maker. It went like an apple with a bite out of it.  Sometimes life is like that.  “Grandma,” my grandson said in astonishment when he walked into my kitchen. “What’s that?” He pointed to the shiny new fridge that […]

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When Life Doesn’t Turn Out Like I Think It Should

“Call me Mara,” Naomi said.  Tragedy chiseled her face and spilled from her lips. Pleasant, the meaning of her name no longer fit.  Mara suited her, for it meant “bitter.”    “I went out full and came back empty,” Naomi told them.  I know many Mara’s. Women and men whose lives turned out so very […]

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