Tagged: #GodsWord

Young child feeding baby sister in a high chair.

Are You Eating Solid Food or Milk?

“Eat your peas and carrots,” turned out to be a big order for one of our daughters. Solid food, that big step of introducing all manner of foreign texture and flavor into a baby’s mouth was met by hilarious expressions. The eye-watering, mouth-contorting, forehead-puckering, “what have you done to me?” ended with an all-out baby […]

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What Are you Steeping In?

My British friend with her lovely accent once said to me, “Americans have been putting tea into the water since the Boston Tea party, and from then on they’ve kept right on doing it the wrong way.” Her sassy remark has helped me remember a tea-technicality ever since. And on more than one occasion, it […]

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God’s Light Pierces the Darkest Grief

Our last few weeks have been ones of weeping with those who weep as we’ve watched dear friends mourn the loss of a beloved son. Yet, they have also been days of seeing glimpses of pure glory shining into the dark. It isn’t the first time God has displayed His light inside a penetrating darkness […]

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Grandma and Grandson measuring height.

How Mature Are You?

“Who do you want to be when you grow up?” I used to ask our kids. I liked to hear all the ideas. Their aspirations swung wildly. Everything had its season, from astronaut on Mars, to archeologist digging up dinosaurs.   Who do you want to be when you grow up? Oh, so you think […]

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Are You Spiritually Limping or Confidently Walking? 

When one of our daughters was in second grade, her school teacher mentioned an issue that she’d observed. Our daughter had begun to limp. She complained about her leg hurting, especially at night. She was going through a growth spurt like many children tend to do, with every hem of her clothing attesting to that […]

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What Offends God?

I don’t often sit around begrudging my past. Shoot, it’s difficult to remember what happened yesterday, but I admit, there are some offenses that are more difficult to forget than others.  Not offending others has become a national preoccupation.  We are vigilant about what we say, how we say it, and whether or not someone […]

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A Light to My Path

When the sun streams into my kitchen window, it cheers my soul. Everything literally seems brighter. Its brilliance however, illuminates more than just the room. Particles of dust flicker through its rays, grandchildren’s sticky handprints on the window pane bother me, and tiny bits of red dirt speckle the floor. When the light shines into […]

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Who Do You Trust?

“Ahh! Salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend. Please, please, come closer,” our tween-aged daughter motioned with her hand.  From the movie Aladdin, she knew every word, every gesture, every accent and intonation. Suddenly she shot out a stiff arm, her hand like a rigid stop sign. “Too close! A leeettle too close.” Children […]

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Lazy Little Cheats 

I confess to cheating. I eat a few stolen calories I don’t add to my count. I spend money on an outfit and hope it goes unnoticed. Oh and another really bad one…I cut my walk by skimping off the cul-de-sac.  Sure, I know those aren’t horrible cheats, but the other day I realized how […]

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When Insignificant Connectors Pave the Way To Important Truths 

This morning I woke up feeling like it was time to go to bed, like every year of my life creaked and groaned somewhere or someplace in my connections. Purpose felt dried and brittle. Pieces of life felt disconnected.  Then I read Psalm 92, a song sung as part of Old Testament Sabbath worship. It […]

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