Tagged: #Generations

Am I Still Your Favorite Mother?

You were at boarding school and we were six hours from you in our ministry. Our first and oldest to fly from home, you seemed far too young, and we felt so unready. But, the label “Missionary Kid” found a home with other third-world high-schoolers from all over Europe. And for the first time, you […]

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Where Do Your Tracks Lead?

One of my missionary colleagues gave me an illustration of life in the jungle. It held a punch that I hope I never forget.  South American roads at times are little more than frequently trodden paths, unpaved and unmarked. When hard rains come, those dirt paths become like sinking mud pits. My friend, shared about […]

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Incomprehensible Faith

The incomprehensible actions of God are far beyond my feeble understanding or explanation. But they are real.

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Are We There Yet?  Finding Purpose in the Miles

“Are we there yet?” little voices once asked from the back seat.  Years slipped by, like miles passing underneath. Complaints changed, the questions grew more sophisticated, and the voices more mature. Yet, spoken or implied, my children measured distance by “are we almost there yet?”  Life’s value is often judged less by roads covered than […]

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