Search: 'walk'

Hold Tight, Keep Your Balance and Watch Out for Mud Puddles

 “The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.” Psalm 37: 23-24 ESV One tiny hand gripped deep inside my own, another in the hand of my husband. Chubby legs danced in-between, steps uneven but oh so joyous. […]

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This Isn’t What I Asked For!

This past Christmas might have confirmed what we knew all along. Many of the things we want most don’t come wrapped in beautiful packages. While  holidays wind down and stores fill with red hearts, we realize, Christmas couldn’t give what we desired most.  And we beg God for more.  We wished for the list no […]

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burned out Christmas lights

Our Fancy Aluminum Tree 

I grew up with a silver aluminum tree. There will be those who respond to that fact with pity. There will be others for whom an indescribable nostalgia sweeps through from head to toe. Ours was a fancy tree with a turning color wheel at its base. I thought it to be the most beautiful […]

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Four Questions from the Christmas Story that Could Transform Your Christmas

Four different Biblical characters in the Christmas Story point to answers which might change the way you see Christmas.  1. “How can I be sure of this?” (Luke 1:18 ESV) Zechariah the priest’s question came not just from a logical curiosity we can easily relate to, but from underlying unbelief which we don’t wish to […]

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Chosen Isn’t So Special if You Are a Turkey

My kids used to say I should write a how-to-hide-the-turkey-recipe book. We ate a lot of turkey when we lived in Italy. Affordable and easily available, I disguised wings, thighs and breast, every possible way. But turkey, as often as it showed up at our house, didn’t come whole.   My butcher lady got used […]

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Measure Your Heart of Thanksgiving

“We will be measuring your daughter for a wheel chair at 3:00 this afternoon,” the nurse told me with a cheerful smile on her face.  Befuddled images traced vellum pages on my mind.  A bridal shop. A pencil line on the kitchen door frame.  Stepping paces at a freezing high school track meet. I treasured […]

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What Are You Wearing Today? 

My husband wakes up every morning and makes a decision. “What class clothing is this day?” What he does during the day determines what he wears. When he used to go into an office, the decision was simple. First class clothes came out of the closet. Now the projects he’s planned for the day require […]

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Are Your Eyes on the Right Goal?  

Lined up side by side, ready to take off, my grandson’s restraining arm shoots out across his little brother’s stomach.  “Go!” Big brother shouts. They take off across our grass. It’s a dubious race, one that counts on a certain seven-year-old against a five-year-old sibling pecking order. The course, established by the elder begins and […]

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Finding Courage and Resolve When a Line In the Sand Demands It

If Humpty Dumpty and I sat down for a heart to heart, I think we’d find we have a lot in common. The first and most obvious is the state of our brokenness. The thing about the king’s horses and men unable to put us together again… yup. But I’m not so sure how Old […]

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When the Storm is On The Inside

“You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them.” (Psalm 89:9, ESV) There are storms and then there are STORMS.  The amount of inner turbulence bothered me over such a small incident. As a Christ follower, I chided myself, I shouldn’t be reacting as if swept under salty water and […]

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