Every day has at least one perfect moment.

That One Perfect Moment Will Rescue Us Today

The sun streams through trees, dappling its light across the deck. Its brightness bathes my upturned face in warmth. I sigh, and the sound is a whisper of praise. It is a perfect moment, and I drink it in slowly, savoring its pleasure. Every day has at least one perfect moment. But sometimes they are hard […]

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Whatever Makes My Child Happy is Not the Right Answer

“The things I do for my kids,” I thought with a half eaten Big Mac in one gloved hand, and piece of wilted lettuce in the other. “But this tops them all.” I stood on a stool leaning into a food court’s garbage bin. I was not happy! Somewhere in either my bin or the one […]

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Will You Still Know Me

“The doctor will just take this itty-bitty part,” my finger taps my daughter’s birthmark. I wear an intentional mask of cheerful confidence. “It won’t take long and it will be all over,” I say with a nod of assurance. My six-year-old Heidi’s eyes are fixed, worried on that brown blotch. Her outstretched arm holds still […]

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I find myself this Valentine’s Day grateful to have known heroes who love with the example of Christ. I am thankful for Heroes who define costly love different from cheap facsimiles. I am honored to know Heroes who go where Christ is not known, heroes who muck through what’s difficult now for something much greater to come and heroes who live with a focus beyond what is seen.

Loving My Heroes

“Hi Beautiful,” he says from the doorway of her hospital room. He is slightly out of breath from hurrying, from untangling little arms squeezed around his neck, and giving the baby a bottle. He unslings the computer bag from around his shoulder, hoists it over his head and drops it onto a chair pulled up […]

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So excited to get the book 936 Pennies written by my friend Eryn Haleigh Lynum.

With 936 Weeks To Raise Our Kids, Maybe Parenting Isn’t About The Big Things

[I’m excited to introduce my guest contributor today. Eryn Lynum is a friend and author of 936 Pennies, Discovering the Joy of Intentional Parenting. Her book available today is engaging, honest and full of encouragement for every mom in the trenches. -Sylvia] We were three weeks into a month-long road trip with our three young […]

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The expression of the love of a father for his child fills me with longing. I find myself at times taking the love of Jesus, fundamental to my faith, for granted. I forget its prominence, and I don’t feel its permanence

The Father That Loves Me

A fistful of trousers yanks in my grandson’s little hand. “Dadda,” he urges. His little face is upturned. Longing and hope fix his expression. My grandson expects response. After all, this is his personal father, the one that belongs only to him, apart from all the other fathers in the room. My son looks down […]

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Stepping Forward With God

I’ve never been one to jump with two feet into a new year. I don’t even take giant steps boldly into the future. Let me tip toe into it with baby steps, slightly fearful and hopeful not to awaken a giant of bad luck. And, I don’t even believe in luck. But, as confident as […]

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The No. 1 Way to Resolve Your Insecurities

Sometimes I’m Leah and sometimes I’m Rachel. Sometimes I soar confidently, secure in my position and exhilarated by life. Sometimes I sink in a mire of insecurity and doubt. Sometimes I feel wrapped in layers of love, but other times I chase love like a never-ending marathon. Sometimes I am content, other times never satisfied. […]

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What to do with your New Year’s False Start

They called it the 50 yard dash. I was introduced to it at recess in first grade. I knew I was bad before anyone told me, in fact maybe that’s why I was so pitiful. I knew when we lined our toes up against the chalk edge on brown Kansas soil I’d be last. From […]

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Is God Still Good When…?

I trace my finger over the outline of her baby portrait. Dated and a bit color-bleached, I gaze at my daughter’s sweetness staring at me from behind the glassed frame. I mark her wide eyes, button nose, and tendrils of hair. I follow the curve of her smile and caress her face. A tear drops […]

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