Tagged: #UnansweredPrayer

Is It Too Difficult For God?

“I am so ready for an angel to come,” Phil said that morning. I’d been thinking the same.  I got up from my cot next to our daughter’s bed and joined my husband where he stood at her side. It was a ritual, a new sort of rotten routine that had just a pinch of […]

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 Does God Hear Me? 

My blender is revving up with its loud whir when the door bangs open and my grandson runs in from outdoors.  He puts on the brakes barely past the threshold, stops, and covers his ears. I see terror in his big blue eyes and quickly turn to find the little button to stop the loud […]

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This Isn’t What I Asked For!

This past Christmas might have confirmed what we knew all along. Many of the things we want most don’t come wrapped in beautiful packages. While  holidays wind down and stores fill with red hearts, we realize, Christmas couldn’t give what we desired most.  And we beg God for more.  We wished for the list no […]

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