Tagged: #Grandchildren

Grandmother with Grandson

A Pivot in Time Marks Eternity

His eyes lighted when he saw me walking toward him in the crowd. My grandson headed straight toward me with a smile, and sidled up against my side. He stretched his arms around me and squeezed my waist. He’d grown so tall, I realized. These ten-year-old uninitiated hugs were becoming rare. His peeling away had […]

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He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

“Are you being married?” our then four-year-old grandson asked. His whole body shoved forward to fit into a space in-between my husband and myself’s quick hug in the chaos of a kitchen swarming with grandkids. “Don’t be married!” he whined while he huffed and puffed and wiggled his short body against our legs and into […]

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Baking Cookies

What Do You Do?

Somewhere in the middle of dodge ball tag and baking cookies with three grandsons, my youngest grandson cocked his head to the side and asked, “So Grandma, what do you two do here all day long?” And as I looked down at him, red-faced and panting, echoes of that question dittoed through my mind. I’ve […]

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Grandsons, Scooters, and Laying Down the Law

“Put me in jail, put me in jail,” our six year-old grandson shouted. “Put me in jail, Gramma,” The boy’s scooters whizzed by, daring me to move out of the way, challenging me to capture little law-breakers with their laughing taunts and haul them into garage jail. They were doing just great whizzing by until […]

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Is It Too Heavy?

“It’s too heavy,” he whined. His little hands strained to lift a fat rough log. He wanted to imitate his grandpa who seemed to hoist them like twigs into a wheelbarrow.  The red cheeks of a five-year-old, his desperate grunts, and unhappy face drew my husband over to help. Grandpa carried one end and together […]

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Numbers, Math, and Green Beans

“Eat the green beans first,” I told my homeschooled grandson. He grinned. He understood immediately what I meant. It really had nothing to do with vegetables, but everything to do with the math.  Like cold green beans next to delicious hot fried chicken, math remained on my grandson’s plate for as long as he could […]

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The Best Kind Of Love

His little fingers dripped with orange greasy pizza oil and stuck together with chocolate fudge-vanilla. I checked his face and found it wreathed with those same streaks of orange and black.  Quickly I stretched across the table, searching for a napkin to wipe his mess before it migrated to my jacket. But before I found […]

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How Do You See People?

I tilt my head a bit to look for myself in his stick figure drawing. I wonder is this truly how he sees me? He waits. “Is that me?” I ask.  Pen in hand, like Picasso, he nods. Proudly. Seriously.  I resist the “looks just like me,” response and go for the, “that’s so good!” […]

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What Appetite Are You Feeding?

My grandsons are going through the picky eating stage. I’ve watched all fourteen grandchildren hit it along the way, and it never fails to bring back memories of my own children’s fussy eating.  Our middle daughter hated peas. I remember waiting one day until she downed the four designated peas on her plate. Her sisters […]

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If Jesus Wanted To

“If Jesus wanted to,” my little seven-year-old fellow classmate declared, “He could flatten my thumb and make it big enough to go around the whole world.”   He held his thumb inches from my wide eyes. I stared at it without saying a word. I could almost see it spread and widen. I imagined it circling […]

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