Tagged: #faith

Grandmother with Grandson

A Pivot in Time Marks Eternity

His eyes lighted when he saw me walking toward him in the crowd. My grandson headed straight toward me with a smile, and sidled up against my side. He stretched his arms around me and squeezed my waist. He’d grown so tall, I realized. These ten-year-old uninitiated hugs were becoming rare. His peeling away had […]

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Who Wants the China?

We sat in the old farmhouse dining room, around the table where my mom had hosted generations of family. And we divvied up the old pictures, bits and pieces of written history, and trinkets of her life well lived.  Someday, my children will do the same. The china, the pictures, and the stuff which seems […]

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The Grieving We Do

I remember the clingers. I can feel those little arms that hugged tight around my neck and the legs circling my body. I remember the process, of disentangling a hand, then a leg, then the other hand and leg, as if they were glued to me, those little clinging people. My son commented as he […]

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Look Beyond Your Own Table

Long before America created an overflowing and beautifully sophisticated Thanksgiving table, thanksgiving was a thing. Before pilgrims gathered around a rough wood hewn table, or a sweet row of little hands clasped in prayer at my own table, thanksgiving was a thing.  The Israelites in the wilderness didn’t do so well with the concept of […]

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How Old Are You?

“How old are you?” my grandson asks again. It’s a regular question which I try to regularly dodge.  “How old do you think I am?” I ask back.  His little forehead wrinkles as his eyebrows draw together in concentration. His blue eyes size me up top to bottom and then bottom to top.  “Ninety?” he […]

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waging war

Kings, Prophets, and You

If I say, “Micaiah,” what comes to your mind? Nothing you say? Well good. But, I hope you never say that again after you read this post.  Let’s just start with: Incredible Bravery. Immovable Faith. Courageous Obedience. In Your Face Truth-Teller. God Connected. And Ready To Die. You know, just mere conversation starters.  The prophet […]

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Precious Scars Invite Faith

Two favorite features on my nose are little grooves that criss cross the surface. They are barely distinguishable, but I’m proud of them. Both remind me of people I love. One reminds me of a brother’s love and care after a screen door mishap. Since I can’t even remember it, he has always felt much […]

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Incomprehensible Faith

The incomprehensible actions of God are far beyond my feeble understanding or explanation. But they are real.

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Do You Carry More Than You Should? 

Oh my goodness, how I loved my three older brothers. With a number of years between us, I looked up to them like heroes, as if the sun rose and set in their background. And in spite of being paid to eat raw sparrow eggs and earnings gained per electric fence shock, they were the […]

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