Did God Show Up?

“…for he has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” Hebrews 13:5 ESV Recently I was asked how I feel now about God’s response to our daughter’s illness in the past. We prayed for complete healing, we looked for a miracle and we expected Him to “show up,” even at the last minute. In fact, […]

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It’s Not Fair

So, my grandson who is four years old beat me at a game of memory. There are a lot of reasons this happened. The cards, for example had some sort of out of this world superpower heroes. I didn’t know them. He did. By name.  They had tentacles, fangs, green goop, and could fly through […]

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waging war

Kings, Prophets, and You

If I say, “Micaiah,” what comes to your mind? Nothing you say? Well good. But, I hope you never say that again after you read this post.  Let’s just start with: Incredible Bravery. Immovable Faith. Courageous Obedience. In Your Face Truth-Teller. God Connected. And Ready To Die. You know, just mere conversation starters.  The prophet […]

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Who Do You Trust?

“Ahh! Salaam and good evening to you, worthy friend. Please, please, come closer,” our tween-aged daughter motioned with her hand.  From the movie Aladdin, she knew every word, every gesture, every accent and intonation. Suddenly she shot out a stiff arm, her hand like a rigid stop sign. “Too close! A leeettle too close.” Children […]

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When you are powerless how should you respond?

Welcome to this guest post from my husband Philip Schroeder. One of the transformers serving the office building where I worked blew. There was no power in most of the building, including the servers and phones. The place was quiet, dark, unresponsive and the air stale. No work could be done. Phones were not answered. […]

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Old Backgrounds, New Creation, and A Happy Father’s Day

What is a “new creation?” Am I one? Are you?  “…if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV). Who Gets What? Backgrounds. Everyone has them. They are the backdrop of our todays, the backstory of our narrative. Some people […]

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Boy leaning over wall into a pond. Pondering what are the chances he could fall in?

Pondering What Are The Chances?

This morning I chanced to look out my bedroom window. Water splashed up from the little “pond” in our back yard, as if a fish slapped its surface. A water feature which worked once upon a time before we moved here sits smack dab in the center. Now it is a nonfunctioning fountain of gross. […]

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Is Your Life On Mission?

Tiny baby puffs of air caress my cheek. Her dark hair, fuzzy and soft, tickles against my neck. What can be sweeter than those barely heard snores and the soft breathing of an infant warm against my skin? A crazy little random jerk startles the peace of her sleep now and then, and I smile […]

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Jesus’ Ascension: What Makes This Good-bye Different?

“See that Momma?” a little voice by my side questioned.  His face tilted up toward the sky. His eyes squinted against the brightness. I followed the line from where his finger pointed to see a grouping of magnificent clouds with a golden center. Light streamed through in breathtaking rays.  “That’s how it’s gonna look when […]

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I Wish My Kids Had Known My Mom Like I Did

I wish my kids had known her better, the woman I called Mom. I would like to have them remember how her hands flew over the piano keys, and see the line of piano students that came to the front door for lessons.  I wish they knew how every day after school she waited for […]

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