Banana Stickers and Big Questions

Charity bounced into the kitchen. Two braids swung behind her. Her black Italian school uniform covered mismatched pants and shirt. The hidden kaleidoscope of colors was her way of nose-thumbing against the system’s imposed social equality. It was hard to stand out in a standardized sea of black robed children. But not our child. Oh […]

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6 Questions to Ask before you Click 

“Think on these things” Without thinking I click praying hands. My heart goes out to the family’s post. Their picture and plea sit at the top of my feed. It’s been a rough year. I send a little virtual spirituality their way, and offer a quick Facebook prayer.  1. “…whatever is true…” I’m already four […]

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Straining Gnats and Swallowing Camels

Ugg, this time of year I fight a big battle with a tiny creature. What is it about autumn that calls all gnats in the Kansas City area into my kitchen like the plagues of Egypt?  Woe to the one who brings home the bananas.  “Blind guides,” Jesus rebuked in a litany of strikes against […]

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A Lesson in Mommy-Wisdom That Broke Through My Insecurities

It was a sincere question, “What are some weaknesses you see in my parenting?” I thought I really wanted to know. My husband and I were both twenty-three with a still-young marriage and a toddler. Although the question was honest, my reaction proved it was wrapped in a receiving blanket of pride infused insecurity… Read […]

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Hold My Hand

“Mommy?” Charity whispered into the dark still night. “Hold my hand.” I felt the soft skin of her little hand slide smoothly into mine. It fit perfectly, like it was meant to be there. The connection reached straight into my mommy heart. Together we picked our way through the rocky path toward the warm light […]

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Each Day Is An Offering

You rode the rapids from the protection of my womb into the hands of a stranger. With that final push, our hello began but giving up started. Because each day is an offering. We separated through hard labor and intense minutes. You came with vengeance, red-faced and angry. You threw out your arms protesting the […]

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Strengthen the Souls

She sat in front of me a crumpled mess. Not a particularly deep conversation quickly turned into infinity pools of tears. Words halted and poured like the start and go of a sputtering fountain. Lines across her face I’d never noticed before drew the portrait of a weary soul. My heart twisted with her paradox […]

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Those Detours on my Street

I have a friend who looked in his rear view mirror and saw the sign to a church, which propelled him to whip his car into into an unplanned detour. It altered his entire life. His trajectory changed that Sunday. Each time I hear the story, I have a picture in my mind of that […]

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My Boy Has Grown Into A Man I No Longer Recognize

I am engrossed in soapy dishes at the sink, my back is turned from the rest of the quiet house when I think I hear something, someone talking. Did I leave the TV on upstairs I wonder? I pause, my hands hover above water and I shake off a little uncertain fear inside my stomach. […]

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God Doesn’t Mind Your Issues

“She has, you know…issues.” I hate having “issues.” The dreaded connotation underlying the word implies different, problematic, maybe even burdensome. I hate burdensome. Yet the reality is, we are born with”issues” all but written on our foreheads. Our connotation of “issues” as something negative, a problem, comes from the old English meaning “to flow out […]

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