Of His Kingdom There Will Be No End

How many times have you said, “there’s just no end to this?” Paperwork, bills, middle of the night feedings, late at night work shifts, or maybe it’s simply the dirty pile of dishes in the sink. Predictably, the words reflect too much of one thing and not enough of another, meshed with a pinch of […]

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A Baby Brings Hope And A Future

Mornings have always been a process for me, like pulling me out of a deep well where my feet are sucked by muddy weights of dreams. Greeting each new day takes time and a dose of courage often fortified by coffee. This morning through thick waking-up-soupiness, I reached for my phone and on its screen, […]

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God is Good Regardless

“Oh Mom. God would be good if there was cancer,” she replied, sitting against the metal slatted headboard of the hospital bed. Her voice held that daughter to mother tone of reproof, and I pulled back from my embrace to find her, rather than exuberant, completely sober and in earnest. It took an entire week […]

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What Is Your Heart Carrying Into the Holiday Season?

I love the Holidays. Always have. Hopefully always will. Yet, as seasons pass, new challenges arise and I find at times a sense of melancholy seeps into this time of year. I recognize how much I’ve looked forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas for distraction, a temporary reprieve, a pocket of “happy” in a world of […]

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God’s Beauty On The Journey

It’s a crisp November day outside. Up until now the warmth of late summer has hung its hat on Virginia’s autumn. But, fall chill descended last night and the breezy gusts feel polar in comparison to our 80 degree highs of last week. “Be careful!” I warn my husband as I watch him nearly fall. […]

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An actor dressed as Thomas Jefferson standing in front of Monticello.

What Pillars Do We Stand On Today?

It’s Wednesday morning. I am writing this blog five days before November 5. Election Day, 2024. Likely, a winner will have been decided when it pops up in your email or feed. Your world will either be rocked in a negative way or positive. You might be depressed and fearful, or perhaps hopeful and jubilant. […]

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Do Autumn Leaves remind you of Life in Christ?

It’s autumn. I’ve gotta admit that I am not a fan of fall. I see the beauty in the Virginia reds, yellows, and oranges. I love the floating leaves in the air. I like the sound of their crunch underfoot, and I enjoy a walk in the cooler outdoors. But I also know leaves turn […]

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If God Is With Us?

Does it seem at times like the whole world is a powder keg about to blow everything to bits and pieces? Yet, it’s the personal kind of powder kegs, when life feels out of control, that shakes us the most. It rattles our foundation, and leaves us weak and surprised. “The Lord is with you, […]

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The Grieving We Do

I remember the clingers. I can feel those little arms that hugged tight around my neck and the legs circling my body. I remember the process, of disentangling a hand, then a leg, then the other hand and leg, as if they were glued to me, those little clinging people. My son commented as he […]

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Boy dressed in baseball uniform

Be Imitators of Me

Three of my grandsons love baseball. And that is an understatement. Growing up they lived it. They chewed wads of gum, memorized plays, and spit. Yes, those little guys could spit with the best of them. Although today they are past the little boy stage, I still have frozen in my memory pictures of their […]

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