(My husband Phil writes about his father.)
There were those who went before us to battle against a great evil in our world decades ago. There are fewer and fewer of those World War II veterans. Yesterday about 5:00 PM KC time one of those veterans went to “his eternal glory in Christ” (1 Peter 5:10). My Dad, Loyd Oliver Schroeder born August 27, 1926 ended his earthly journey yesterday November 9, 2017.
Dad was another kind of veteran. He was a veteran missionary. He served with the Gospel Missionary Union (now Avant Ministries) in Ecuador in a day when missionary life was challenging. Dad and Mom knew and served together with the five missionaries martyred in Ecuador in 1956. Travel was rough, treacherous, and long. Dad traveled the rivers before there were roads. He traveled gravel and dusty roads before they were paved. He crossed rivers in ferries or 4 wheel drive Landrovers before there were bridges. He preached
where there were no churches. He and my Mom served in the hot dusty coastal areas of Ecuador, one of the least glamorous places to serve in the country, there they served, persevered and today churches exist in the province of Los Rios (The Rivers) because of his preaching.
Dad was one of the healthiest, un-healthy persons I’ve known. Half his life he suffered from MS and the surgical removal of his pituitary gland, later came colon cancer, and in his latter days suffered from dementia. He was ready to leave this earth and join many of his family in the presence of Christ.
GMU/Avant was built on the shoulders of men and women like Dad and Mom. We have a few more of them in our mission. I pray Dad’s life and testimony would be a challenge for many more to be called out of comfort and complacency to serve our Savior, even in hard times.
Funeral and Memorial Service details have yet to be set, but it’s most likely going to be Monday November 20 in Newport News, Virginia.
I thank God today for our Veterans, Military and Missionary veterans.
Dwight Lehman
Hey Phil,
I really felt the loss of your Father, even though I really did not know him. I knew you looked up to him and remember how you cared for him. Thanks for posting this. It was even re-posted on Tim Challies blog!
Your friend,
Marilyn Krehbiel
Thanks Phil for sharing a wonderful tribute to your dad. May your days of mourning be comforted by our compassionate LORD!! Love and Prayers for you and your family during this time!!
Nancy Holliday
Phil, this was a beautiful tribute. I remember well sitting under your dad’s teaching at Berean. I remember him as a kind, gentle-spoken man. I didn’t know all of this about his life. What a great ministry he and your mom had.
Kevin Carlson
Hello Phil and Sylvia. I just stumbled upon this tribute to Phil’s father while doing some internet searching this morning. It was a blessing and honor to have met your parents in 2015. Your father is a great example of missionary service, and an inspiration for those of us who continue in the work of helping build up the body of Christ.
Marcy and I appreciate the two of you very much!