If Jesus Wanted To

“If Jesus wanted to,” my little seven-year-old fellow classmate declared, “He could flatten my thumb and make it big enough to go around the whole world.”  

He held his thumb inches from my wide eyes. I stared at it without saying a word. I could almost see it spread and widen. I imagined it circling the globe like the thin peeling of an apple. 

A circle of first graders gathered around him, a little emperor giving a thumbs up with confidence. 

“Aw, that’s silly.”

“Well, He could.”

He Can Do Anything

The class split down the middle. As if he tested the wind or maybe God Himself, he made a slow turn with his thumb high. A slew of childish comments surrounded it. 

“Nobody can do that.”

“Jesus can. He can do anything.”

I puckered my forehead and concentrated on that thumb. 

Was it growing? 

Would He?

In that moment, a little brown-haired brown-eyed boy’s enthusiasm drowned out the other voices, and I listened to an argument in myself that as an adult I’m familiar with. 

Could He? 

Would He? 

Well, He could do anything, I answered myself. 

But would He? I argued inside. 

Why would Jesus even want to make a thumb cover His world? I figured maybe He would settle the debate right there to prove Himself. In fact, I prayed that thumb might miraculously spread like a thin leaf and wrap around the whole sphere of our world just to show all the doubters Who was in charge. 

Except to be completely honest, that little declaration made me wonder if I was one of them? Was I too, a doubter? 

As I’ve grown older, I’ve discovered childish questions are adult-ish realities. Someday those innocent God-challenges will be cries in the depths of a torn heart. Maybe they are right now in your heart. 

If Jesus wanted to, He could stop a plague. 

If Jesus wanted to, He could calm the unrest. 

If Jesus wanted to, he could heal my daughter. 

As parents and grandparents we want to introduce our children and grandchildren to a big God, one who can make a thumb cover the world. As adults we want to believe with child-like faith.

But Jesus does not always respond as we would, nor as we think He should. 

It’s tempting to wrap our spiritual life with beautiful bows for ourselves and others, but sometimes we might do so at the cost of Biblical truth. We want to right wrongs, remove pain, protect and promise everything will be okay. Yet, sometimes deep pain is the best place to be because it is exactly the place where Jesus waits.

The amazing thing is Jesus Himself has been in that place of suffering. 

…and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled. ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,’ he said to them. ‘Stay here and keep watch.’

Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” (Mark 14:33-36 NIV)

Jesus, in His darkest hour, as he intensely pleaded with His Father, was denied His request. His submission was radiantly victorious. When we land on the side of trust in the middle of life’s enigmas, faith builds with the assurance that “God does the right thing.” 

Here are a few things to remember when our adult inner struggle is about child-like faith. 

1.     Jesus does not have to do what I want Him to in order to prove Himself 

…He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: “What have you done?” (Daniel 4:35 NIV)Jesus does not have to do what I want Him to in order to prove Himself Share on X

 2.     Not understanding God doesn’t show He is incapable, it shows He is vast. 

 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV)Not understanding God doesn’t show He is incapable, it shows He is vast. Share on X

3.     Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so. 

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. (1 John 4:9-10 NIV)

The biggest perplexities of life need a foundation that doesn’t make false promises, platitudes or spiritual cliché’s. God knows what He is doing, even when it seems His answer is “no.” 

And let’s be honest. If that little thumb had gone all around the globe, it would have been chaos.  


*feature photo by FETHI BOUHAOUCHINE on Unsplash

12 Replies

  1. Gaytha Reply

    Thanks, Sylvia. Wonderful reminder of great spiritual truth.

  2. Nancy E. Head Reply

    A big part of our faith is trusting Him when He doesn’t do as we ask. Thanks, Sylvia. God bless!

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thank you Nancy. It is a huge part, and often I find my lip service doesn’t match my brain and my heart. Still have a lot of growing to do!

  3. Sue Vogt Reply

    Thank you!

  4. Katherine Pasour Reply

    I appreciate your transparency in your message, Sylvia. Some of the same questions we ask as children about who God is and what He does are the same questions we still have as adults. You’ve helped me reflect on some challenges to my faith. Thank you.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thank you so much Katherine. Your responses always mean so much to me as I recognize reflections which mirror mine and draw us nearer to Jesus.

  5. Wendy COLVIN Reply

    I love the way you’ve written about this struggle; one we all have eventually. “Where else can we go?” Peter asks. Amen!

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Wendy, Yes! Peter’s question relates so well. “Where else can we go?” “You have the words of eternal life.” Thank you Wendy!

  6. Don Pahl Reply

    Thank you so much, Sylvia. So appropriate, so timely, so necessary. America’s biblically illiterate Christians have a very poor and infinitely tiny view of God!

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thank you Don. It’s so true. I’m so grateful for the anchor of God’s Word for today and tomorrow.
