If God Is With Us?

Does it seem at times like the whole world is a powder keg about to blow everything to bits and pieces?

Yet, it’s the personal kind of powder kegs, when life feels out of control, that shakes us the most. It rattles our foundation, and leaves us weak and surprised.

“The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor.”

It was with these words, the Angel of the Lord greeted Gideon in the book of Judges. Gideon’s response surprised me when I recently read it, for in it I saw his shaken soul. I couldn’t help feeling he spoke what I sensed in my own life.

Please, sir, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all his wonderful deeds that our fathers recounted to us saying, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt’? (Judges 6:13 ESV)

In the history of Israel, after the great exodus from Egypt’s grip, God’s people experienced marvelous miracles and the profound Presence of God Almighty. But, they lost steam in following Him. They became distracted by other gods. They wearied of God’s purpose and plan for them. They sank into abominable behaviors.

Gideon’s response revealed the weariness of repeated pillaging of the nation and its personal wear on his own faith. Things happened beyond his control, and  brought turmoil to his heart.

Lord, where are you in all of this? Lord, why is this happening?

Oppressive and abusive, their Midianite enemies stole from the Israelites, forcing them into servitude and making their lives miserable. And so, Gideon protected himself and his crop by beating his grain where no one could find him, in a winepress.

There, confronted by the Angel of the Lord, he replied, “If the Lord is with us then…why?”

Gideon was a downtrodden follower, sick of the way things were, tired of the oppression he felt. It looked to him like God had forsaken him and all the rest of God’s people. Trials mounted. Discouragement grew.

It was a repeated cycle in the Old Testament. And, often, if I examine my own heart, it is my pattern as well.

God had a plan, but Gideon in his dejection didn’t like it.

So Gideon began to list his excuses. My clan is the weakest. I’m nobody, the very least in my father’s house. While he tied his protests to his personal situation and emotions, in reality they were bound to his trust in God Almighty.

Sometimes I feel like hiding out, much like Gideon. I look around and complain. I rummage inside of me, but neglect to lift my eyes Higher than myself.

Thousands of years after Gideon, Jesus came. The political situation again stirred unjustly against the Jewish people. Jesus’ disciples felt shaken and fearful. They were mistreated. A powder keg of political unrest threatened.

They wanted to be saved from Roman rule and oppression. They wanted a new ruler, a new savior to take over and right all the wrongs.

Jesus comforted them with these words;

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 ESV)

God carries His plan. He knows exactly what He is doing.

Gideon was not the type of hero I would have chosen, but God did. He was often weak. He made some bad choices in his life. He vacillated in faith....in me you may have peace... Share on X

But, God had a word for Gideon in the middle of his messed up world where food was in short supply and the nation over them robbed, cheated, and killed. God wanted to use Gideon to bring victory.

The Lord responded to his objections with, “But I will be with you…’”  (Judges 5:16 ESV)

Perhaps a bit like beating wheat in a winepress, we may find ourselves out of place, uncertain, and feeling unheard.

But God carries His plan.

When health issues arise, world events threaten, finances become fearful, and yes, even when political tides strike fear in me, I need to step away from “why,” and abide deeply in “Who.”God carries His plan. Share on X

When we ask, “if the Lord is with us, then why,” God still carries His plan.  

God still calls His own. He appoints us to stand strong, to trust Him, and to be faithful. He reminds us that whatever is happening, He is with us and He has overcome the world.




*Feature Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

5 Replies

  1. Tony Vanderlaan Reply

    We need to focus on the Unseen. Moses faced fears, weaknesses and faults. He daily faced persecution, the threat of death and all sorts of trials. Yet he decided to focus on Him , who is unseen Hebrews 11:27. We too must endure by focusing on Him as well.

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Thank you so much for these thoughts, Tony. I so agree. Focusing on the Unseen Reality is essential for endurance.

  2. Don Pahl Reply

    I begin walking with our small group through Judges this evening. Thanks, Sylvia, for a heads-up reminder from Gideon!

    • Sylvia Schroeder Reply

      Oh to be a fly on the wall and glean from that teaching in Judges!! Thanks Don!

  3. Laura Lee Leathers Reply

    This was my favorite line in the article, abide deeply in “Who.” Lately, I’ve been pondering that He is Able through all my unknowns. He is All sufficient in All things (2 Cor. 9:8) and His grace abounds. This is where I am to live in the midst of all of the crazy chaos taking place around me. I move forward in faith, but some days it is really hard and I do ask the ‘why.’
