The Blog Thing

To be honest, I’m going into the whole blog thing with a bit of kicking and screaming. Blogs come and go like the national debt ticker.

I have technological deficits within my brain that are like the mysterious black hole of the Milky Way, not the candy bar. I hate starting anything I am not sure I can check off a list as finished. I don’t enjoy telling people what I ate for lunch, and, seriously with 5,000,000 others blogging today, someone must have already said what I have to say.

Still here I am adding yet another blog to the ticker.

A blog is part of the process in the world of publishing today. Through the years I have had a thinly spread writing career sprinkled in wifehood, motherhood and missionary life. I’ve had the privilege to be published in a variety of magazines, Although the world of publishing is changing and evolving, crafting words is part of the fabric of who I am, it trickles or it gushes, but it is something that has to flow.

When the house is quiet the floor creeks, the clock ticks, imaginations take shape, and reflections take on characters that talk with abandon.

Sometimes in that quiet I allow my soul to unharness its turbulence and my emotions to rage like bolting horses. When the house is quiet deep hard questions of life battle unbidden like sword fights in my spirit. When the house is quiet, disordered fragments of thought like a regiment in disarray align into cognizance.

It is alone and in stillness that I find Whom my soul desires. The Author and the Word reorder my essence in chaos and return purpose to my world. This blog is a reflection on Christian living, its laughter and tears, perplexities and certainties. My ultimate goal is that its words draw the reader to His.

And so, in response to “Do you have a blog?” I can now smile and respond positively. For, I have succumbed. Open the dikes.

4 Replies

  1. Justin Reply

    Well, I for one will be reading your blog. Thanks for you’re open honestly about the challenges. I hope you can share some of the wisdom learned from your quiet house so when I get there I’ll be prepared.

  2. Ellen Reply

    Sylvia – I love you, and I love your godly advice. Thanks for sharing your thoughts so we can benefit too! Hugs from our family. 🙂

  3. Diane Johnson Reply

    I’ve always loved your writing, Sylvia. Your letters often have something to treasure. Now I finally got around to reading your blogs. Thanks for them. Thanks for your life of faithfulness and for continuing to learn as you walk with God. Love you.
