“He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children,” Ps. 78:5 ESV
“Who’s in control here?” I asked the mirror mirror on the wall.
I was a frazzled mother trying to keep my temper in check, the house from burning down, and my children alive.
When I look in the mirror now, strands of silver glints through my hair and furrows criss-cross my skin like a map. I am a grandma with the same question. “Who’s in control here?”
“So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.” Ps. 71:18 ESV
My family has multiplied into generations.
My kids are now as old as I still think I am, my grandkids both cuter and smarter than they ought to be. It isn’t lost on me what an extreme privilege and blessing this is. The joy of it comes in waves with its tide full of joyous hello’s and sorrowful goodbyes. At each new parting, they take a piece from this old mother heart, leaving it like a piece of Swiss cheese as they spread again across the globe.
It is the way it should be. It’s the way it is meant to be.
God has a plan for generations, and despite our many failures as parents and again as grandparents, God’s faithfulness knits one generation after another with His steadfast love.
“We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.” Ps. 78:4 ESV
Our four children, their spouses and all of their children met together for a few days the beginning of July. We hadn’t been in the same place for about two years. The reason to go to such great lengths at this time was extra special. Our grandson was getting married.
“…that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children,” Ps. 78:6 ESV
Like Disney’s Incredibles’ Elastigirl, who could lengthen her arms like rubber bands, our arms have reached far beyond what a young starry eyed couple at the altar could imagine 47 years ago.
And like an elastic cord, those we gather into our family tightens again around our hearts. Now grandchildren are bringing their spouses into the circle.
We watch our adult children as they continue the cycle. They let go and gather in, and a corner of our hearts feels all of it again. We swell with them and ache as they expand and contract their nuclear. We see their joy. We see their tears. We hear the odd ring of mother-in-law and father-in-law referred not to us but to them.
“…so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments;” Ps. 78:7 ESV
And so, there we were, not the same family, a new and revised one, but still united in Jesus. We cherished moments carved in time to touch skin again. To hug. To listen. To laugh. To cry.
We will carry memories like treasures. Exhausted parents with little children who didn’t sleep will look back at a bleary foggy frenzy. We’ll look at wedding pictures which capture two little ring bearers as we will “oooh” and “awww,” and wonder at how big they’ve grown. We will close our eyes and see the sky lit with fourth of July fireworks. We’ll remember food. Lots of it.
Our hearts will soften as we remember a beautiful bride in glorious splendor and the good-bye hug of a handsome groom who made the old people cry. We will hold all these memories close to our hearts.
“But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children,” Ps. 103:17 ESV
A God who loves without limits supplies love for the layers He designed. He gives parents and grandparents a deep well and invites them to dip into His ocean.
When I look in the mirror now, I see the layers like an infinity mirror, one upon another, a never ending representation. I pray Christ is the reflection they see repeated over and over again.“Your faithfulness endures to all generations…” Ps. 119:90 ESV
See my article at Just18Summers:

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Bob & Fritzie Strong
We loved this blog! Very good!
Sylvia Schroeder
Thanks Bob and Fritzie! I’m so honored you read it and liked it!
Marilyn Krehbiel
OH MY OH MY!!!!! How I so relate!!!!!! It seems our families have much in common. Tho, we will be married 49yrs, next month,ALREADY!! God truly is GOOD!!! 5 children, all married and has blessed us with 18 granchildren and to add even more blessings 1 granddaughter married with a precious GREAT-GRANDSON and another on the way! My how my heart has grown!!! We also have a grandson marrying in Oct. Love Love this post or your family!!! God indeed is MERCIFUL!!!! May your days be blessed& overflowing as you all grow in HIM!!!
Sylvia Schroeder
Thanks so much Marilyn for reading it and commenting! 18 WOW! And you beat me to great Grandparent! What a blessing!
What a wonderful and heartwarming post, Sylvia! They do leave hole like in swiss cheese when they leave, though! I pray those cherished moments will comfort you!
Sylvia Schroeder
Thanks Kathy! They are a sweet comfort and blessing!