Tagged: #JesusLoves

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

“Are you being married?” our then four-year-old grandson asked. His whole body shoved forward to fit into a space in-between my husband and myself’s quick hug in the chaos of a kitchen swarming with grandkids. “Don’t be married!” he whined while he huffed and puffed and wiggled his short body against our legs and into […]

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Grandsons, Scooters, and Laying Down the Law

“Put me in jail, put me in jail,” our six year-old grandson shouted. “Put me in jail, Gramma,” The boy’s scooters whizzed by, daring me to move out of the way, challenging me to capture little law-breakers with their laughing taunts and haul them into garage jail. They were doing just great whizzing by until […]

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Who Holds Your Heart?

One of our teenaged granddaughters spent a few days with us recently. She came loaded with gift cards she’d received from Christmas. We spent a day  shopping and she had a day of bliss. But even with a store full of a teen’s heart’s desires, the math had to be figured. How much of the […]

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Hold Tight, Keep Your Balance and Watch Out for Mud Puddles

 “The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand.” Psalm 37: 23-24 ESV One tiny hand gripped deep inside my own, another in the hand of my husband. Chubby legs danced in-between, steps uneven but oh so joyous. […]

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True or False: You Only Live Once

“You only live once,” she quipped.   Laughter followed that flippant remark. I turned away from the screen.  I’ve used those same words to justify indulgences from purchases, to a risk, and maybe most often, to eating that last piece of chocolate.   Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. This week, as I hear her […]

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