Tagged: #GodIsKing

waging war

Kings, Prophets, and You

If I say, “Micaiah,” what comes to your mind? Nothing you say? Well good. But, I hope you never say that again after you read this post.  Let’s just start with: Incredible Bravery. Immovable Faith. Courageous Obedience. In Your Face Truth-Teller. God Connected. And Ready To Die. You know, just mere conversation starters.  The prophet […]

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Vizsla dog sitting with sock in his mouth

Where to Set Our Attention in an Attention Shifting World

Thor belongs to four of my grandchildren. He is a Vizsla with a beautiful brown coat and liquid brown eyes which clearly speak dog-beg. He knows exactly how to sit at your feet and patiently ask without saying a word. I’ve watched my grandchildren teach him to set his attention on their command, without shifting […]

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