Sylvia Schroeder

Who Really Owns My Time?

“I don’t have time” is one of those ridiculous things we say pretty much all the time. As if time can be owned. As if we could take charge of it, I mean really, “who’s got the time?” Right?  Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and […]

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Light and Peace in a Dark World

How dark it must seem to walk in the thick dust of bombed buildings and destroyed lives. How thick would be the despair of cruelty, death and loss. And how desolate feels a future built from rubble and division.  “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me […]

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What Appetite Are You Feeding?

My grandsons are going through the picky eating stage. I’ve watched all fourteen grandchildren hit it along the way, and it never fails to bring back memories of my own children’s fussy eating.  Our middle daughter hated peas. I remember waiting one day until she downed the four designated peas on her plate. Her sisters […]

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You Are Not Invisible to God

I heard the bang of a metal door next to me before I leaned down for that “underneath” the gas-station-bathroom-stall search. In my bent over rectangular view, two thick-soled black shoes shuffled against the dirty tile floor. Their slow slide inched forward with obvious effort.   Once abreast of my stall door, they would block […]

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If Jesus Wanted To

“If Jesus wanted to,” my little seven-year-old fellow classmate declared, “He could flatten my thumb and make it big enough to go around the whole world.”   He held his thumb inches from my wide eyes. I stared at it without saying a word. I could almost see it spread and widen. I imagined it circling […]

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Now What?

Have you ever hit a fork in life when you have asked, “Now what?”  You might be thinking of the last time you put together a 1,2,3 step project out of the box. Only it didn’t turn out so simple or sturdy as the picture on the package.  Perhaps a relationship comes to mind, one […]

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Are You Spiritually Limping or Confidently Walking? 

When one of our daughters was in second grade, her school teacher mentioned an issue that she’d observed. Our daughter had begun to limp. She complained about her leg hurting, especially at night. She was going through a growth spurt like many children tend to do, with every hem of her clothing attesting to that […]

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Where Do Your Tracks Lead?

One of my missionary colleagues gave me an illustration of life in the jungle. It held a punch that I hope I never forget.  South American roads at times are little more than frequently trodden paths, unpaved and unmarked. When hard rains come, those dirt paths become like sinking mud pits. My friend, shared about […]

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mother with children on a farm

Prayer Leaves An Eternal Legacy

On the farm, after dark meant black. The only light, other than the stars, shone from a tall pole smack in the middle of the yard. I ran from the gray shed to the house like lightening, splitting through the yellow sphere of yard light. Chased by the unknown, I tore past shadows beyond the […]

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How Old Are You?

“How old are you?” my grandson asks again. It’s a regular question which I try to regularly dodge.  “How old do you think I am?” I ask back.  His little forehead wrinkles as his eyebrows draw together in concentration. His blue eyes size me up top to bottom and then bottom to top.  “Ninety?” he […]

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