Month: August 2024

Husband kissing wife in wheelchair while daughter plays

We Laugh and We Cry

The words stop me when I come across them, … “the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people…” They make me pause and close my eyes. I relate so well to such a paradox of emotions. I understand joy dwelling with heartbreak […]

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And School Begins Again

His big round eyes followed me. His little face filled with confusion, fear, and betrayal. I read his silent plea as if the words had been spoken, “Don’t leave me.” As I turned from the classroom, I remembered my son’s first baby vaccination, when those trusting eyes looked at me, startled, hurting, and as if […]

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Ode to the Nine Foot Tomato Plant

Oh tomato plant that towers many feet above my head. Where is your fruit? I grew up on a farm in Kansas, and at the risk of embarrassing all my Kansas friends and relatives who put into canning jars what they can’t eat or give away, I couldn’t grow a bean or kernel of corn […]

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In The Father’s Arms

My eyes had been glued for a while to the little boy in the row ahead of me. He must have been about a year old. Fussy on his mother’s lap, I could see the parental exchange. “Should I take him out?” she mouthed to her husband.  The church was packed that morning, with few […]

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